CKEditor 5 Dev Tools

25 people starred this project

This module:

Slack Incoming

2 people starred this project

This is a better Slack module!

Site Audit

73 people starred this project

Site Audit is a Drupal static site analysis platform that generates reports with actionable best practice recommendations.

Composer Generate

14 people starred this project

Update: See and


22 people starred this project

Healthcheck is like your site's own personal physician.


90 people starred this project

Coder checks your Drupal code against coding standards and other best pra

Devel images provider

1 people starred this project

This module allows you to select one of these image providers for generating content at your site using devel generate submodule of modul

Realistic Dummy Content

43 people starred this project

Generate realistic demo content with Devel’s dev

Before/After image formatter

1 people starred this project

Before/After image formatter provides a field formatter for image fields.

Tasty Backend

22 people starred this project

Tasty Backend provides a ready made administration experience for day-to-day content administrators.

Radix Layouts

30 people starred this project

Responsive panels layouts.


85 people starred this project

November 2, 2021: So long and thanks for all the fish...

Workbench Moderation

43 people starred this project

Workbench Moderation adds arbitrary moderation states to Drupal core's "unpublished" and "published" node states, and affects the behavior...

CKEditor Accessibility Auditor

20 people starred this project

Provides a button in CKEditor which, when clicked, will run the HTML_CodeSniffer Accessibility Auditor on the source code of the content

String Overrides

37 people starred this project

Provides a quick and easy way to replace any text on the site. Features Easily replace anything that's passed through t() Locale support,...

Webform POST Redirect

1 people starred this project

This module allows for Webform submission data to be included via POST with the user as they are redirected to a specific confirmation pa

Webform Encrypt Form Builder

1 people starred this project

Webform Encrypt by default is not compatible with the Form Builder Webform UI, so this module allows both modules to be used.

AJAX Upload Disabler

1 people starred this project

My employer's website was flagged by Google as "hacked" a week and a half ago.