Configuration development

52 people starred this project

This module helps with developing configuration. Do not deploy in production environments.


3 people starred this project

Integration between Drupal and Vercel.


5 people starred this project

This Drupal module allows other modules to declare configuration requirements and suggestions, and provide solutions to fix them.


1 people starred this project

Customizer module allows you to expose a list of CSS variables you have implemented in your theme to site administrators to customize.


30 people starred this project

The goal of the value module is to make field values easily accessible inside Twig templates.

Media entity Soundcloud

15 people starred this project

Soundcloud integration for the Media Entity module.


94 people starred this project

The JSON:API module in code provides zero configuration out of the box. Use JSON:API Extras to customize your API.


145 people starred this project

Open Restaurant

19 people starred this project

The Open Restaurant distribution has everything you need to build your restaurant web


96 people starred this project