Group Members Extra

4 people starred this project

Enable extra functionality for group memberships.


1 people starred this project


1 people starred this project


1 people starred this project


1 people starred this project

Social Auth Extra

2 people starred this project

KPI Analytics

3 people starred this project

Basic architectural module to support creating of key performance indicators.

Social Geolocation

6 people starred this project

This module is there to provide a solution for Open Social to allow: - Showing entities on a map

Data Policy

7 people starred this project

The Data Policy module helps site owners or administrators with informing their users about which (personal) data is collected.

Social PWA

19 people starred this project

The Social Progressive Web App module brings exciting new features to your

Social KPI Lite

2 people starred this project

Implementation of KPIs for the Open Social distribution.


6 people starred this project

Integrate Intercom with your Drupal website.


1 people starred this project

This is a drush plugin to make all public files private or make all private files public. There is nothing to enable.

Module Builder

117 people starred this project

A module which auto-generates a skeleton or "scaffolding" for a module, along with hints on how to fill them in.

Open Social

160 people starred this project

Community Engagement Platform