Page Manager

88 people starred this project

This is the Drupal 8 version of Page Manager, formerly part of the CTools

Login Email or Username

35 people starred this project

This simple Drupal 8 module allows users to log in with either their username OR email address from the same input box on the standard lo

AJAX Placeholder

15 people starred this project

The AJAX Placeholder module provides a render element that will defer loading the content to an AJAX request, similar to how lazy builder

GitLab Templates

18 people starred this project

You can visit this page to learn how to use these templates in your project:


1 people starred this project

Adds a field to the taxonomy entity allowing it to be sorted like a tree.

Render Profiler

27 people starred this project

Render Profiler is a development tool to help visualize and debug the render tree and cacheability metadata for a given page,


197 people starred this project

Bricks — is a new way of building pages on top of Entity Reference, Display Modes, Layout API, tabledrag.js and Flat...


17 people starred this project

This package is no longer supported.

Drupal core - Configuration Management 2.0 initiative

51 people starred this project

Drupal 8's built-in config system is a HUGE step forward.

One-time File Download

2 people starred this project

This module allows you to provide single-use URLs to files stored in Drupal's private file-system.