Group Subscription

15 people starred this project

The Group Subscription module sends email notifications to group members when new content or comments have been posted to their groups.

Media Library Importer

19 people starred this project

A module to import media files from public directory into media library.

Klaro Consent Management

10 people starred this project


School Distro

2 people starred this project

Developed by school website providers, the school distro is a ready-made school website system, parental web app and Digital Experience

Drupal core - Configuration Management 2.0 initiative

51 people starred this project

Drupal 8's built-in config system is a HUGE step forward.

Config Distro

33 people starred this project

Built on the same architecture as Configuration Split, Config Distro provides a framework for managing configuration updates from distrib


3 people starred this project

A subtheme for Drupal's new administration theme Claro.

JSON:API Menu Items

14 people starred this project

Adds a JSON API resource for menu items: /jsonapi/menu_items/{menu}  

CookiePro by OneTrust

3 people starred this project

CookiePro by OneTrust - Simplify Compliance with GDPR & ePrivacy Cookie Laws

Bookable Calendar

41 people starred this project

A very easy to use Bookable Calendar module.

Layout Paragraphs

213 people starred this project

Layout Paragraphs provides an intuitive drag-and-drop experience for building flexible layouts with

Config Pages

177 people starred this project


Site Settings and Labels

106 people starred this project

Site Settings and Labels

Menu Link Config

25 people starred this project

Menu Link Config is a drop-in replacement for core's Custom Menu Links module.

Commerce Worldpay

2 people starred this project

WorldPay Business integration for the Drupal Commerce payment and checkou

Cookie Content Blocker

25 people starred this project

This module will help you prevent the loading of specific parts and related scripts of a page until consent for placing Cookies a...

Views Bulk Edit

78 people starred this project

Allows bulk updating of entity values via views bulk actions.

Google Calendar Import

17 people starred this project

Managing calendar events is really tough - particularly with repeating events, rule exceptions, etc.

PhotoSwipe - Responsive JavaScript Modal Image Gallery

57 people starred this project

Use PhotoSwipe to display picture galleries on your Drupal website.


13 people starred this project

This project will be work on a new Analytics module to possibly replace Drupal core's Statistics module.

Notifications widget

46 people starred this project

Notification widget allows you to configure the site notification on bell with feature of : - Read - Unread

Projects Stats

3 people starred this project

Are you a module or theme developer?


11 people starred this project


CSS Variables

8 people starred this project

A CSS Variables based successor of the color module.

Block Cookies

5 people starred this project

This is a simple module to be used together with EU Cookie C

Registration role

22 people starred this project

Registration role lets an administrator select a role (or multiple roles) to automatically assign to new users.

Oomph Paragraphs

21 people starred this project

Oomph Paragraphs — A paragraph configuration starter kit

Entity Registration Form

9 people starred this project

Commerce Funds

34 people starred this project

Commerce Funds implements a Funds Management System for your website using Dr

Gov Notify

3 people starred this project

This module enables you to send emails and SMS messages from Drupal using the the UK, Australian or Canadian Government's Notify service.

SCSS/Less Compiler

19 people starred this project

Module automatically compiles scss/less files defined in a libraries.yml into css

Block Visibility Groups

86 people starred this project

Block Visibility Groups allows the site administrator to easily manage complex visibility settings that apply to any block placed in a vi

Modifiers Pack

19 people starred this project



4 people starred this project

Manage and record communications through mail, e-mail, phone and sms.

Register Pre-approved

2 people starred this project

Register Pre-approved provides the means to define a list of email address and domain name patterns for prospective users who are pre-app

Smart Date

191 people starred this project

This module attempts to provide a more user-friendly date field, by upgrading the functionality of core in a number of ways:

CMS Content Sync

44 people starred this project

GOV.UK Design System

8 people starred this project

This theme is no longer being supported.

Flyout Menu

4 people starred this project

Enables a responsive flyout menu.

Date all day

20 people starred this project

Provides a field widget and a set of field formatters for date range field types to allow editors to set that a date has no time, meaning

Production Checklist

23 people starred this project

A checklist based on the active configuration, for site launch and maintenance.

Entity notification

8 people starred this project

This module allows you to send out mail notifications everytime entities are created/updated/deleted while having one central UI to confi

No Request New Password

20 people starred this project

Remove "Request new password" link from block and user page.

Message Group Notify

6 people starred this project

Sends Messages on entity creation or update to groups.


1 people starred this project

Very convenient and flexible theme to start a new project.

Address Checkout

9 people starred this project


Display Suite Chained Fields

41 people starred this project

Overview Provides chained fields for entity reference fields and display suite.

Commerce Pricelist

50 people starred this project

Drupal Commerce by default lets you set a single default price per product variation. The price can be manipulated based on the date,...

Automatic Taxonomy Terms

13 people starred this project

This module is able to automatically create taxonomy terms for you when an entity, of any type, is being created.

Commerce Core

381 people starred this project

Drupal Commerce powers eCommerce innovation through every stage of growth. At its core it is lean and mean, enforcing strict development...
