Webform Product

37 people starred this project

Webform Product can create a Commerce order from any Webform submission.

Better Normalizers

12 people starred this project

Current modifications to core normalizers:

Style Options

23 people starred this project

Style Options provides configurable styles management for attaching various style plugins to Layouts, Paragraphs, and eventually, other D

Admin User Language

9 people starred this project


User restrictions

7 people starred this project

User restrictions blocks users from registering or logging in based on name or email masks making it useful for fighting spam accounts. E.g...

Hook to Event

7 people starred this project

This module is intended for the developers and allows them to handle Drupal hooks in the event subscriber provided by the Symfony framewo


38 people starred this project

Read the blog post: A modern alternat

Push Framework

42 people starred this project

Pushing content from within a Drupal site to users over various external channels in a configurable and orchestrated context is important

User Reference Field Cache Context

3 people starred this project

This module implements a new cache context, based on the value of a reference field on the current user.

Cache Control Override

52 people starred this project

In Drupal 8 core Page Cache max age settings are applied globally to all pages, and there is no way to set a different max age per page o

Private Message Windows

13 people starred this project

Addon for Private Message for chat on every web-site page like on sites www.linkedin.com

User current paths (user/edit & user/current/*)

23 people starred this project

Allows to link to current user actions without the explicit user id:


8 people starred this project

The Pipeline module allows splitting processes in steps and then running them via an orchestrator service.

Dummy Image

4 people starred this project

This module shows images as dummy images.

Entity Reference Integrity

39 people starred this project

Entity Reference Integrity is a module that allows you to find out which other entities reference a given entity.


22 people starred this project

Healthcheck is like your site's own personal physician.


9 people starred this project

Note: This project is not being actively maintained due to the maintainer being in school.


47 people starred this project

Pagerer is a module providing a collection of pager styles to enhance Drupal and Views standard pagers.

Security Pack

14 people starred this project

Security Pack automatically installs and configures a number of recommended security modules.

Upgrade Status

171 people starred this project

Use to prepare for a Drupal 9 to 10 upgrade or Drupal 8 to 9 upgrade#

JSON:API Early Rendering Workaround

7 people starred this project

The context


87 people starred this project

Olivero, one of the Drupal core initiatives, seek

Commerce API

29 people starred this project

This module extends the JSON:API implementation provided by Drupal for the Commerce module and its ecosystem.

Total Control Admin Dashboard

66 people starred this project

What is Total Control?

UI Patterns

178 people starred this project

Define and expose self-contained UI patterns as Drupal plugins and use them seamlessly in Drupal development and site-building. Also called...

Inline Entity Form

200 people starred this project

Supported versions: 1.x / 3.x

Commerce Core

381 people starred this project

Drupal Commerce powers eCommerce innovation through every stage of growth. At its core it is lean and mean, enforcing strict development...