Structure Sync

154 people starred this project

Some websites might contain elements that are considered content by the Drupal CMS while they might not only be used as content. For...

Webform Protected Downloads

9 people starred this project

This module provides a handy solution for the following situations:

Rebuild Cache Access

37 people starred this project

This module provides a new permission: rebuild cache access.

Private Message

98 people starred this project

This module is a full-fledged, ajaxified private message system that allows for private messages between users on a site.


47 people starred this project

Tagify module integrates Drupal autocomplete and Tagify component which pro

JSON:API Response Alter

6 people starred this project

This module allows you to alter the response outputted by the json_api module by implementing a hook_jsonapi_response_alter hook, which g

Entity Share

129 people starred this project

Entity Share is a collection of modules allowing you to share content entities like nodes, taxonomy terms, medias etc.

Quick Node Clone

79 people starred this project

Quick Node Clone is meant as a way in Drupal 8/9 to clone nodes.

Menu Link Weight

22 people starred this project

This module replaces the standard numeric weight dropdown widget for menu links in the node form with a tabledrag widget that lists all c

Autosave Form

68 people starred this project

The "Autosave Form" module provides an autosave feature for all forms (entity forms inclusive).