A11Y Project Checklist

4 people starred this project

This checklist is provided by The A11Y Project,

Workflow participants

18 people starred this project

This module allows per-entity workflow participants to be configured. These

Data field

22 people starred this project

Multiple Data Field is a Drupal module that allows you to create custom fields with multiple values under the default table form.

Display Layout

4 people starred this project

Display Layout allows users to leverage

Unique Alias Checker

3 people starred this project

This module was created to prevent content managers from accidentally triggering pathauto's handling of duplicate url aliases.

URL Alias Permissions

7 people starred this project

The URL Alias Permissions module allows site administrators to set permissions to create and edit url path settings by content type.

Workspaces Extra

7 people starred this project

This module provides various enhancements for the core Workspaces module.

Search Web Components

15 people starred this project

The Search Web Components module aims to make creating rich search experiences easy.

Group Forms in Gin

1 people starred this project

Makes Group Add and Group Edit forms use the Gin layout which includes the details sidebar.

Content Access by Path

8 people starred this project

This module allows you to set restrictions - by path - on what parts of your website users can edit. E.g.

Single Directory Components: Block

13 people starred this project

✨ Write Single Directory Components, and get blocks for free! ✨

CKEditor 5 Paste Filter

18 people starred this project

Filter content pasted into the CKEditor 5 visual editor by searching and replacing with the power of regular expressions.

Layout Builder +

47 people starred this project

Layout Bu

Entity Prepopulate

36 people starred this project

Prepopulate any entity field with values containing tokens.

Token ECA Alter

5 people starred this project

Token ECA alter allows you to alter the output of other tokens with

Config Token

10 people starred this project

Allows the creation of custom tokens that are stored as config and exported via configuration manager.

Paragraphs Selection

6 people starred this project

Let paragraph bundles define where they can be used.


18 people starred this project

Anu LMS is a deceptively simple learning management system (LMS) for individual teachers, educational organisations and businesses built

Module permissions

8 people starred this project

What does this module do?

Views Taxonomy radios/checkboxes filter

8 people starred this project

Allow site builders to select radios or checkboxes element for a Taxo

Content moderation reviewer

7 people starred this project

When defining complex workflows using the content_moderation module you might end up with the wish to define a person which should review

Group by Field Widget

6 people starred this project


Taxonomy Term Advanced Sidebar

10 people starred this project

This module provides Taxonomy Term Edit Page UI with sidebar option like Node Edit page.

Moderation State Condition

7 people starred this project

A module that provides a condition plugin for workflow/moderation states.

Webform Group

4 people starred this project

Build webform forms connected to groups.

Content Editing Messages

14 people starred this project

The Content Editing Message (content_editing_message) module allows you to add multiple messages to content and media forms with multiple

Group sites

12 people starred this project

Group Sites is a way to leverage Group to divide your site into microsites.

JSON:API Response Alter

6 people starred this project

This module allows you to alter the response outputted by the json_api module by implementing a hook_jsonapi_response_alter hook, which g


14 people starred this project

About Organigrams provides the ability to easily create and manage organization

Shrubs (Drupal Cypress Support Commands)

3 people starred this project

Common support commands for Cypress when interacting with Drupal to help you write consistent tests faster.

Single Directory Components: Display

26 people starred this project

This module allows site builders to leverage the components available in the site inside the Manage Display tabs of your entitie

Site Module

11 people starred this project

The Site.module allows you to track, store, and send information about your websites.

OpenID Connect Client

5 people starred this project

The OpenID Connect Client module provides authentication via the OpenID Connect (oAuth2) protocol. It supports multiple realms, so you can...

API Client

17 people starred this project

The Drupal API Client is a set of JavaScript packages that simplif

Gin Type Tray

8 people starred this project

Themes the Type Tray module for the

Entity Usage (light)

8 people starred this project

Simple and lightweight module to display referenced entities. Works with all entity type.

Configuration Inspector

69 people starred this project

Configuration inspector uses the core built-in configuration system as well as schema system to let you inspect configuration values and...

Entity Reference Patterns

7 people starred this project

What is the Entity Reference Patterns module?

The Governor

6 people starred this project

The Governor is a starter kit that combines the power of the U.S.


4 people starred this project

Tool with several utilities to facilitate development: Features:

Reading Rating

1 people starred this project

This module will allow any long text field to be evaluated for readability using the Flesch–Kincaid readability algorithm.

Themed fast 404

5 people starred this project

How it works


47 people starred this project

Tagify module integrates Drupal autocomplete and Tagify component which pro

API Docs

6 people starred this project

This module will provides API Docs to your Developer Portal, It is powered by Drupal content type, custom field formatters & views.

Linkit Custom Link

3 people starred this project

Linkit doesn't provide a matcher for links to non-entity content, e.g. Views or custom controller pages.

Link: Fix Absolute URLs

6 people starred this project

Converts URLs saved to link fields to their internal equivalents, which is much safer to deal with than having hardcoded URLs everywhere.

Convert URL Filter

4 people starred this project

Automatically converts internal absolute URLs into relative using text formats.

Action Link

15 people starred this project

The Action Links module allows site admins to create links which perform an action when clicked.

Media Title Length

3 people starred this project


Token Filter

80 people starred this project

Token Filter is a very simple module to make token values available as an input filter.
