Commerce GMO

1 people starred this project

This module integrates the GMO Payment Gateway and Drupal Commerce.

Block Content Template

11 people starred this project

If you have ever tried to get a view of custom block types or rendered a custom block type in a reference field you will know that the cu


96 people starred this project

Add challenge-response tests to user-facing forms on your site to protect against spambot submissions. Other CAPTCHA types are...

Form Options Attributes

36 people starred this project

This module adds the ability to specify attributes for individual options on Drupal Form API elements of the types: select, checkboxes, a

Search API Solr

119 people starred this project

This module provides a Apache Solr backend for the

CKEditor Configuration Helper

3 people starred this project


Comment Delete

12 people starred this project

Advanced comment deletion rules with threaded replies handler. Adds the hard delete, partial hard delete, and soft delete handlers.

Entity Language Fallback

15 people starred this project


TMGMT DeepL Integration

18 people starred this project

Translator plugin implementing DeepL for the

Config default image

21 people starred this project

Image field formatter allowing to set a default image deployable through config management.

Publication Date

27 people starred this project


Select 2

84 people starred this project

Integrates Drupal autocomplete and select fields with the S

Geolocation Field

135 people starred this project

Geolocation Field provides a field type to store geographical locations as pairs of latitude and longitude (lan,lng) as well as the neces

German Community

13 people starred this project

This project is for organizing and improving our efforts in the german speaking community.

Riddle Marketplace

5 people starred this project

A blogger's new best friend, Riddle makes it easy to quickly create beautiful and highly shareable quizzes, tests, lists, polls, and more

Conditional Fields

153 people starred this project

Conditional Fields is an admin user interface with the ability to modify fields appearance and behavior on certain conditions when viewing...

Block Cache Metadata

4 people starred this project

About This module provides a form element on each block to set the cache metadata(Context, Tags, Max-Age).

Google KPIs

9 people starred this project

Idea The idea behind this module was to store your google data in your cms,

Inline Entity Form

200 people starred this project

Supported versions: 1.x / 3.x


171 people starred this project

This module lets you craft and expose a GraphQL schema for Drupal 9 and 10.