Distributions and Recipes initiative

49 people starred this project

This project exists to hold documentation and development code from the

Search Suggestions

3 people starred this project

This module provides a backend-agnostic way of showing search suggestions as you type into a search field.

Commerce Shipping

57 people starred this project

Commerce Shipping provides a shipping rate calculation system for Drupal Commerce, integrating shipping service selection into both the...

Entity Construction Kit (ECK)

74 people starred this project

The Entity Construction Kit (ECK) builds upon the entity system to create a flexible and extensible data modeling system both with a UI f

Font Awesome Icons

100 people starred this project

Font Awesome is the web's most popular icon set and toolkit.

Entity Reference with Layout

88 people starred this project

This Module is No Longer Being Maintained


9 people starred this project

SiteCommander is an interactive dashboard to manage and monitor your Drupal 8 site.

Commerce Extended Attributes

25 people starred this project

Helps to administer Drupal Commerce 2.x product attributes.

Commerce Bulk

35 people starred this project

Provides a service for bulk creation of Drupal Commerce entities such as attribute values and variations.

Mail Logger

8 people starred this project

Logs all outgoing mail from your site that uses proper Drupal APIs.

Autocomplete Search Suggestions

31 people starred this project

This module will provide autocomplete search suggestions. The module is compatible with standard Drupal search, search views and Apache...

Language Switcher Dropdown

56 people starred this project

Project Description

Search API Multilingual Solr Search

12 people starred this project

Important News Search API Multilingual Solr Search was merged into Search API Solr Search 8.x-2.x. So further development will...

Search API Cross-language information retrieval

4 people starred this project


Entity Reference Facet Link

27 people starred this project

Entity Reference Facet Link is a Drupal 8 module that provides a formatter plugin for entity reference fields, including taxonomy term re

Automatically generated entity classes per bundle for better IDE integration

6 people starred this project

This module allows you to autocomplete fields in your favorite IDE (ie. PhpStorm) like this:

Paragraphs Collection

63 people starred this project

Paragraphs introduced a powerful plugin system to attach behaviors to paragraph types.

Menu block current language

11 people starred this project

At the moment, all menu items are displayed regardless of it being translated or not.

Select translation

12 people starred this project

Description Select translation implements a Views filter to select which translation of a node should be displayed in a list of nodes....

Commerce Core

382 people starred this project

Drupal Commerce powers eCommerce innovation through every stage of growth. At its core it is lean and mean, enforcing strict development...

Menu Entity Index

16 people starred this project


1 people starred this project


Object Log

6 people starred this project

The Object Log module allows developers to store objects, arrays and other variables to a log table so that they may be

Views Pager Summary

8 people starred this project

Provides a full pager for Views which also includes configurable summary text (such as a count of results).

Views Menu Node Children Filter

16 people starred this project

The Views Menu Children Filter module adds a contextual filter to Views for

Views Jump Menu

14 people starred this project

Views Jump Menu offers a Views display style which lets you choose which field to use as both the label and the destination for each item

Swift Mailer Force HTML

3 people starred this project

This Drupal 8 module creates a very simple Swift Mailer mail plugin which checks each mail body for HTML tags, and forces that email to b

Path Theme

2 people starred this project

Allows you to specify a different theme to use per path via a simple config form.

Me Redirect

8 people starred this project


Form Tracking

1 people starred this project

A spiritual successor to Drupal 6's "visitorpath" module in many ways, Form Tracking is an extensible base for injecting any sort of trac

Float Labels

14 people starred this project

Applies configurable, JS-enhanced floating CSS labels to Drupal forms in a similar fashion as laid out here:

Facets Active Entity Block

7 people starred this project

Using this module, you can create any number of blocks which will render a configurable view mode of an entity reference facets value.

Entity Slug

8 people starred this project

Entity Slug provides generic, configurable slugging functionality for any fieldable entity by adding Slug and Slug Path field types.

Entity Reference Dialog Formatter

10 people starred this project

This is a very simple formatter for any Entity Reference field which allows you to render it as a link which opens the referenced entity

Entity Pager

30 people starred this project

The Entity Pager allows you to create new Navigation blocks in a few seconds.

Corresponding Entity References

64 people starred this project


Commerce FedEx

6 people starred this project


Commerce Combine Carts

27 people starred this project

Commerce Combine Carts is a very simple module for Drupal Commerce 2.x which combines multiple carts so that users only ever have one.

Commerce Cart Blocks

16 people starred this project

This module provides a cart button block and a full cart block for Commerce 2.x that are highly configurable.

Account Modal

13 people starred this project

Description Account Modal lets you: