Big Pipe Paragraphs

12 people starred this project

Big pipe is new since drupal 8 and introduces a way to load and render blocks which have a high cache invalidation, or are uncacheable, d

Translation Views

13 people starred this project

Provides fields and filter to build list in Views with information about translations.

Link Field Autocomplete Filter

20 people starred this project


Menu Block

92 people starred this project

This module provides configurable blocks of menu links with additional features not available in Drupal 8+ core.

Structure Sync

154 people starred this project

Some websites might contain elements that are considered content by the Drupal CMS while they might not only be used as content. For...

Paragraphs Type Help

16 people starred this project

The Paragraphs Type Help module provides a help entity that renders on Paragraphs type displays.