Commerce Conditions Plus

25 people starred this project

The Commerce Conditions Plus module provides a new draggable table interface for working with conditions in Drupal Commerce.

Facet granular date

8 people starred this project

Plugin for Drupal 8 facets that creates drill down date facets.

Magnific Popup

43 people starred this project


Block field

85 people starred this project

About this Module

Commerce Coupon Conditions

13 people starred this project

Extending Commerce 2 promotion coupon to support commerce conditions plugin in Drupal 8.

Extra Block Types (EBT): Tabs

9 people starred this project

Extra Block Types: Tabs module create a new block type for tabs. Tab content can be blocks, pages, Views and formatted text.


5 people starred this project

Commerce CDEK

3 people starred this project

Модуль реализует расчёт стоимости доставки службой СДЭК в Drupal commerce 2 и является дополнением для модуля "Commerce Shipping".

Commerce Free Shipping Indicator

8 people starred this project

This app provides a block for viewing an informative message about how far an order is from free shipping.

Block Exclude Pages

45 people starred this project

This module adds an exclude pages filter for blocks.

Commerce Stock

62 people starred this project

Commerce Stock Commerce Stock module, for Drupal Commerce.

Views Entity Form Field

77 people starred this project

This module provides the ability to add form field widgets to a view to edit multiple entities at one time.

Commerce Multiple Payments

19 people starred this project

This module allows you to accept multiple payments during checkout for an order.

Commerce One-Click Checkout

9 people starred this project

This module adds a one-click checkout experience to your Commerce 2.x store.

Commerce Zebra

1 people starred this project

Provides a Javascript object in drupalSettings.billingAddress of the latest billing address information.

Commerce Email

37 people starred this project

This module lets you react to various Drupal Commerce events to send emails to customers, administrators, or other interested parties.

Commerce Currencies Price

6 people starred this project

Field type based on commerce price field and currency.

Commerce Dellin (Деловые Линии)

3 people starred this project

Provides Dellin (Деловые Линии) shipping method for Drupal Commerce. Supported services:

Commerce Shipping Pickup

7 people starred this project

This is a temporary implementation of commerce shipping pickup until it is in commerce core.

Yandex Kassa

2 people starred this project

Remote API Service for accepting payments by Yandex.

Commerce Checkout paths

3 people starred this project

This module allow users to create a custom paths for Drupal commerce checkout pages(make it more "friendly" rather defau

YandexKassa / YooMoney Drupal Commerce Gateway

6 people starred this project

Мы везде для работы используем

Commerce Promotional Terms and Conditions

1 people starred this project

This module provides a checkbox with a modal dialog for letting the user knows

Commerce Reactions

14 people starred this project

The Commerce Reactions module allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring Drupal Commerce even Ferma integration

2 people starred this project


Commerce Ticketing

27 people starred this project

INTRODUCTION This module allows you to create and sell tickets.

Categories for Commerce Cart

10 people starred this project

This module allows you to add rubrication of products in the shopping cart.


16 people starred this project

This module allows administrators to moderate entity access by issuing licenses to site users.

Commerce Purchase on account

2 people starred this project

Simple payment gateway and method to order on account

Best selling products

14 people starred this project

"Best selling products" main feature of this module is the possibility to build and display "the best sales" block with

Commerce Order PDF

7 people starred this project

Commerce Order PDF provides a PDF receipt functionality for all the orders. It uses DOM PDF library to generate PDF.

Commerce Fraud

16 people starred this project

This module provides configurable checks to score orders on how likely they are to be fraudulent.

Commerce Installments

3 people starred this project

Commerce Installments allows you to create installment payments for products in a Drupal Comme

Product Builder for Drupal Commerce

35 people starred this project

Product Builder module provides an interface and extended structure for customizable products in Drupal commerce.

Commerce Product MinMax

5 people starred this project

This module provides a field to specify minimum and maximum quantities for products.

Commerce Variation Add-on

26 people starred this project

The Commerce Variation Add-On module allows Product Variations to reference other Product Variations and automatically adds them to the c

Commerce Cart Refresh

12 people starred this project

This module add some Ajax behaviors to the Add to Cart form in Drupal Commerce 2.x in order to dynamically refresh the Price when...


26 people starred this project

Overview This projects is a set of modules which lets you create a marketplace using Drupal Commerce.

Commerce Admin Checkout

16 people starred this project

This module allows a site administrators to use Drupal Commerce checkout to create orders for customers.

Facets Product Attributes Sorting Widget

10 people starred this project

This module allows you to sort the facet filters of the attributes of product variations by their weight (the one that has been configure

Yandex YML

8 people starred this project

Commerce Extra Items

12 people starred this project

The module provides a new Commerce Promotion type which adds extra items to an order rather than discount.

Commerce Ajax cart message

14 people starred this project

This module has no interface and no settings.


18 people starred this project

An Auction Engine for Drupal. Has optional integration with Mail Features and Commerce (Order Item) Module. Toolkit composed of:

Commerce Customers Also Bought

16 people starred this project

Commerce Customers Also Bought module will help you to boost your sale.

Exit pop up

16 people starred this project


Commerce Funds

34 people starred this project

Commerce Funds implements a Funds Management System for your website using Dr

Commerce Print

9 people starred this project

Commerce Print A small utility module to help users print Commerce Orders.

Commerce Dashboard

27 people starred this project

This module provides a live updating dashboard with all relevant Drupal Commerce key data.

Commerce Shipping Weight Tariff

9 people starred this project

This module extends Commerce Shipping by allowing the creation o
