
35 people starred this project

Fluent is a Drupal module that significantly improves the developer's experience by simplifying access to fieldable enti

Taxonomy Entity Index

32 people starred this project

The Taxonomy Entity Index module maintains a normalized index of all terms associated with a specific entity and revision.

Credit Due Admin Theme

21 people starred this project

Credit Due is an admin theme that emulates the WordPress admin UI.

Same Page Preview

47 people starred this project

Create, edit and preview content on the same page.

Node Keep

10 people starred this project

Adds two base fields to all nodes.

CKEditor5 HTML Embed

12 people starred this project

This module allows embedding arbitrary HTML snippets in the editor by enabling

Single Directory Components

58 people starred this project

Error message

Entity Logger

7 people starred this project

This module allows adding log messages to entities. Log messages are shown on a "Log" tab on the entity they are associated with.

OpenAI / ChatGPT Integration

111 people starred this project

The OpenAI module aims to provide a suite of modules and an API foundation for


56 people starred this project

Entity stats

5 people starred this project

This module is useful when you pick-up an unknown project to understand how content distributed and potentially reveling what Entity Type

Random entity reference formatter

3 people starred this project

This module provides a new "Random Rendered entity" formatter for the "entity_reference" and "entity_reference_revisions" field types whi

Lunr search

37 people starred this project

The Lunr module provides integration between Lunr.js and Drupal.

Field Compose

7 people starred this project

This module provides a new Field Type which allows defining multiple fields in field settings with YAML based syntax and by respecting ex

Mautic Paragraph

10 people starred this project


Entity Share

129 people starred this project

Entity Share is a collection of modules allowing you to share content entities like nodes, taxonomy terms, medias etc.

Lazy Loading Ad Slots

2 people starred this project

This module extends the DFP module whi

PHP Preloader

26 people starred this project

Generate a preload script for PHP 7.4's opcache.preload setting.

Taxonomy Revision UI

2 people starred this project

Taxonomy Term entity became a revisionable as of Drupal 8.7.0 while the

Views Argument Order Sort

15 people starred this project

Sort your views results by the order of the arguments received.

React Comments

55 people starred this project

React Comments acts as a drop in replacement for the Drupal core comment module front end.


16 people starred this project

Openlayers 3: features Openlayers

Primary Field

2 people starred this project

This is a simple module that allows a site builder to set up a field group in a node type's display mode where only the first field (base