Entity Browser Enhance(d|r)

53 people starred this project

This module provides some behavior and style enhancements to Entity Browsers, specifically for multiselect and image/media browsers.

Webform select collection

7 people starred this project

Webform select collection provides a webform element that groups multiple select elements into single collection.

Webform Simple Hierarchical Select

10 people starred this project

Provides a Webform component which renders a

Geocoder autocomplete

16 people starred this project

Geocoder autocomplete provides an autocomplete widget for textfields via the Google Geocoder API.


48 people starred this project

This module is a Drupal wrapper/implementation for the Geocoder PHP

Search API Location

23 people starred this project

The Search API Location module (7.x-2.x & 8.x-1.x branch) adds the possibility of location based searching to the Search API module.<

Entity Toolbar

25 people starred this project

On large sites you might have more than twenty paragraph types, or even more than twenty node types.

Geofield Map

88 people starred this project

Geofield Map is an advanced, complete and easy-to-use Geo Mapping solution for Drupal 8+, based on and fully compatible

Permissions by Term

139 people starred this project


394 people starred this project

The Webform module allows you to build any type of form to collect any type of data, which can be submitted to any application or system.

Webform Views Integration

70 people starred this project

Views integration for Webform module (version 8.x-5.x)