Mediteran administrator

35 people starred this project

Mediteran administrator is a responsive administration theme with a clean and modern design - optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop s

Admin Toolbar Mediteran

11 people starred this project

This module improves the UI of Admin Toolbar<

Top Description

2 people starred this project

The "Description" on a form field can sometimes be lost when it's displayed at the bottom of the element, particularly on a WYSIWYG text

Paragraphs admin

21 people starred this project

Additional admin tools to manage paragraphs.


27 people starred this project

We are building a new left-aligned, collapsable, vertical sidebar navigation for Drupal's admin UI that is aimed to replace the current T

Cache Metrics

21 people starred this project

Logs all cache tag invalidations

Extended HTML Filter

6 people starred this project

This module extends Drupal's HTML Filter, to allow the ability to use "style" attributes in the CKEditor.

CKEditor 5 Premium Features

30 people starred this project

Purge Invalidation Form

5 people starred this project


CKEditor 5 Icons: A fast & native Font Awesome icon picker

8 people starred this project

This is a fast and native Font Awesome icon picker for CKEditor 5, built using CKEditor 5's modern TypeScript plugin APIs and designed to

Responsive Table Filter

18 people starred this project

As described in

Visual Layout Suite (VLSuite)

34 people starred this project

VLSuite is the content editing experience on top of Site Builder that ambitious site builders are waiting for, out of the box Layout Buil

Storage Entities

95 people starred this project

A new entity type for managing data that should be stored in the database, but only displayed within or associated with other content.

Layout Custom Section Classes & Attributes

9 people starred this project

Adds possibility to add ID, class, style, data-* attributes to Layout Sections and for each Region in the Section.


4 people starred this project

Rivet is the modern pluggable platform-agnostic design system from Indiana University

Search Autocomplete

51 people starred this project


Menu Link Attributes

72 people starred this project

This module allows you to add attributes to your menu links or their wrapping <li> elements.

Rename Admin Paths

59 people starred this project

The purpose of this module is to secure drupal backend by overriding admin path. Overview This module allows you to: rename path like '/...

Site Settings and Labels

106 people starred this project

Site Settings and Labels

Config Pages

177 people starred this project


Beautify & Minify

4 people starred this project

Make your HTML source code pretty and/or compact.

Pager Load More

8 people starred this project

Pager Load More is a module that replaces the default Views pager with a “Load more” button that will load in a configured amount of item

OpenAI / ChatGPT Integration

111 people starred this project

The OpenAI module aims to provide a suite of modules and an API foundation for

Views Minimum Condition

15 people starred this project

Have you ever had to put some Views displays on a page but wanted to hide one or more areas if the View was empty?

Media Library Edit

48 people starred this project

A tiny module to add a missing "Edit" button to the Media Library widget that routes to the Media entity edit form.

Summary Options

13 people starred this project

This module provides site builders with additional options for the 'summary' field when using "Text Area with a Summary" widget.

Site Studio Webform

6 people starred this project

------------------------ Site Studio Webform ------------------------

Sitewide Alert

46 people starred this project

The Sitewide Alert module adds the ability to show alerts at the top of your site.

Site Alert

25 people starred this project

The Site Alert module is a lightweight solution for allowing site administrators to easily place an alert on their site, for example for

File extension sanitization

4 people starred this project

File extension sanitization module cleans a problematic filename that may look like example.jpeg.jpeg.

JSON:API Node Preview Tab

11 people starred this project

Adds a tab to nodes that allows a quick preview of the node's representation as JSON:API.


97 people starred this project

Layout Components

78 people starred this project

This module is a extension of "Layout Builder" and provides a complete package of components and new features integrated with that syste

Shortcut per Role

10 people starred this project

Shortcut per Role is a simple module to allow a shortcut set to be assigned per role.

Better maintenance mode

3 people starred this project

This module allows extends possibilities of default maintenance mode implementation by providing ability to log out all currently logged

Content Moderation Notifications

58 people starred this project

Allows notifications to be sent to all users of a particular role, or to the content's author when a piece of content is transitioned fro

Toolbar Anti-flicker

11 people starred this project

This module aims to remove the annoying Flickering (jumping) & Flashing on each page load.

Indiana University Paragraphs

19 people starred this project

Paragraphs for Indiana University


398 people starred this project

The Webform module allows you to build any type of form to collect any type of data, which can be submitted to any application or system.


90 people starred this project

Summary PHP Authentication shield. It creates a simple shield for the site with Apache authentication. It hides the sites, if the user does...

Fancy File Delete

45 people starred this project

A Module that can finally delete files properly!

Adminimal Administration Menu

22 people starred this project

Quick Overview: Adminimal Administration Menu changes the style of the Administration menu module. It...


23 people starred this project

Guardr is a Drupal distribution with a combination of modules and settings to enhance a Drupal application's security and availability to

Filename Transliteration

16 people starred this project

Performance Budget

13 people starred this project



92 people starred this project

Key provides the ability to improve Drupal security by managing sensitive keys (such as API and encryption keys). It gives site...

Contrib Half Hour

29 people starred this project

We meet every week to discuss things related to Drupal and contributing.

Drupal core ideas

33 people starred this project

A place to propose ideas for Drupal core and get them through validation and planning phases.


203 people starred this project


Menu Breadcrumb

49 people starred this project

This module allows you to use the menu the current page belongs to for the breadcrumb, generating breadcrumbs from the titles of parent m
