Firebase Push Notification (FCM)

22 people starred this project



93 people starred this project

The Entityqueue module allows users to create queues of any entity type.

Simple OAuth (OAuth2) & OpenID Connect

121 people starred this project

Simple OAuth is an implementation of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework R

JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT)

53 people starred this project

The JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication module provides a Drupal authentication provid

Anonymous CSRF Token

10 people starred this project

This module generates and validates CSRF tokens for anonymous users.

Key auth

34 people starred this project

Provides simple key-based authentication on a per-user basis similar to basic_auth but without requiring username

Component Libraries: Components

58 people starred this project

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are starting a new project use SDC fo

Component Builder

34 people starred this project

Tutorial Video


35 people starred this project

Adding JS components to your Drupal site just got a whole lot easier.


158 people starred this project

The Components module makes it easier for a theme to organize its components.

JS Component

12 people starred this project


Time Field Picker

7 people starred this project


Entity Embed

98 people starred this project

Entity Embed allows any entity to be embedded within a text area using a WYSIWYG editor.

Convert Bundles

48 people starred this project

This module adds drupal actions to convert entities from one bundle to another.

Entity Clone

119 people starred this project

What is this module?

Twig Template Suggester

47 people starred this project

This module provides template suggestions for everything that Drupal doesn't. So far:

Double Field

68 people starred this project

What is Double Field? Double Field is a small module written to provide extensions to Drupal's core Fields. By this module you can split...

Key value field

36 people starred this project

Allows to store a key/value pair in a field. This for example allows you to store arbitrary properties on an entity.

Entity Copy with Reference

7 people starred this project

Module for configurable one click node copy/clone creation with options regarding referenced entities.

HTTP Client Manager

66 people starred this project

Http Client Manager introduces a new Guzzle based plugin which allows you to manage HTTP clients using Guzzle Service De

Token Filter

80 people starred this project

Token Filter is a very simple module to make token values available as an input filter.

Autofill fields

7 people starred this project

Autofill Fields provides the ability to remember last used values, on a per field instance basis, and automatically populate the field ne

Context Stack

32 people starred this project

Use data from stacked context in Blocks, Views, Tokens and anywhere context is used.

Flow (automation)

15 people starred this project


IEF Table View

6 people starred this project

The IEF Table View module in an integration between the core Views module and

Login And Logout Redirect Per Role

35 people starred this project

ABOUT: Module provides ability:

Entity Redirect

29 people starred this project



40 people starred this project

This module provide single sign-on capability for your Drupal site by implementing the

Redirect Nodes

7 people starred this project

Redirect Nodes provides a node content type specifically designed for only using as a menu item.

Business Rules

133 people starred this project

The Business Rules module is inspired on Rules module and allow site administrators to define

Typed Data API enhancements

33 people starred this project

The Typed Data API Enhancements module adds functionality to the c


214 people starred this project

The Rules module allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events (known as reactive or ECA...


49 people starred this project

Defines a new "FlexField" field type that lets you create simple inline multiple-value fields without having to use entity refer

Unique Field AJAX

35 people starred this project

Yet another but more light-weight and optionally more client-side field input check module for site builders to set up fields being check

Unique content field validation

18 people starred this project

This module allows you to require that the content supplied for entity fields, node titles or taxonomy terms names will be unique if so c

Entity Group Field

35 people starred this project

Entity Group Field provides a computed field that can be configured on any entity types that are associated with


266 people starred this project

The Group module allows you to create arbitrary collections of your content and users on your site and grant access control permissions o

Responsive Table Filter

18 people starred this project

As described in

Responsive Tables Filter

78 people starred this project



68 people starred this project

This module allows you to attach tabular data to an entity.

Content Entity Builder

20 people starred this project

Always Clear the cache if you have problem with this module.

Minimum Multiple Fields [Core Fields]

3 people starred this project

The 'Minimum Multiple Fields(MMF): Core Fields' module allows the administrator to specify a minimum number of Drupal core-fields to appe

Field Validation

79 people starred this project

This module provides a collection of configurable validation rules for your field instances.

Taxonomy unique

42 people starred this project

Overview By default, Drupal allows creation of identical terms in the same vocabulary. Taxonomy unique prohibits saving a taxonomy term...

ChatGPT Content Assistant

27 people starred this project

This is the first OpenAI module or connector published (First version published on 06-Jan,2023) in

OpenAI Image for Drupal

2 people starred this project

openai_image_for_drupal CONTENTS OF THIS FILE Introduction Requirements

Custom Field

52 people starred this project

Defines a new Custom Field field type that lets you create simple inline multiple-value fields without having to use entity refe

Camunda BPMN

9 people starred this project

Camunda BPMN (see Download Page) is a free desktop client to create an

ECA Classic Modeller

14 people starred this project

A modeller for ECA solely built on top of Drupal core and ECA core.


36 people starred this project

BPMN.iO is a BPMN modeller for ECA and is fully integrated into Drupal's admin UI.
