Entity Reference Delete

8 people starred this project

The Entity Reference Delete module allows reference fields to enforce referential integrity by deleting related entities.

Edit Profiles Permissions

3 people starred this project

This module provides permissions to edit user profiles depending on what roles the profile requested to be edited has.

Encrypt RSA

4 people starred this project

Encrypt RSA provides public-keys (asymmetrical) encryp

Deleted Modules

1 people starred this project

Provides a set of drush commands for dealing with Drupal modules which were removed from the file system without being previously uninsta

Database Sanitize

15 people starred this project


View profiles permissions

12 people starred this project

This module provides permissions to view user profiles depending on what

Contact Permissions

3 people starred this project

Provides further permissions to control how core's contact module behaves. Permissions added:

Text formats report

1 people starred this project

Provides a birds eye view of the usage of text formats, which is useful when analysing this part of a Drupal site's configuration.

Gallery formatter

6 people starred this project

Gallery formatter provides a CCK formatter for image fields, which will turn any image field into a jQuery Gallery.

Views Accordion

42 people starred this project

Views Accordion provides a display style plugin for the Views module.