Permanent Cache Bin

33 people starred this project

At times we need to cache some values which are not related to Drupal config or data but are coming from external systems and which don't

Nexus Theme

25 people starred this project

This module is unsupported due to a security issue the maintainer didn’t fix.

Media thumbnail URL formatter

8 people starred this project

This module adds a URL formatter for a media reference field.

Media Responsive Thumbnail URL Formatter

1 people starred this project

This module adds a Responsive URL formatter for a media reference field.

Flexible "Add more" widgets

4 people starred this project

Most multivalue field widgets in Drupal core have an "Add another item" button in the end of the list of items.

Delete all

27 people starred this project

INTRODUCTION ------------

Asymmetric menu trees

3 people starred this project

Asymmetric menu trees