CKEditor 5 Icons: A fast & native Font Awesome icon picker

8 people starred this project

This is a fast and native Font Awesome icon picker for CKEditor 5, built using CKEditor 5's modern TypeScript plugin APIs and designed to

File Resumable Upload

18 people starred this project

File Resumable Upload aka file_resup adds large files multiple and resumable upload to the File


27 people starred this project

✨ The integration between Drupal and Storybook

Bring Back jQuery.once()

8 people starred this project

This module brings back the original jQuery.once() by RobLoach and w

Translation Views

13 people starred this project

Provides fields and filter to build list in Views with information about translations.


24 people starred this project


CKEditor5 Embedded Content

35 people starred this project

This module allows content editors to insert rich and styled pieces of content into CKEditor5 without having to give them HTML ed...

Rebuild Cache Access

37 people starred this project

This module provides a new permission: rebuild cache access.

Paragraphs table

27 people starred this project

Project Paragraphs table it looks like module

Data field

22 people starred this project

Multiple Data Field is a Drupal module that allows you to create custom fields with multiple values under the default table form.

Taxonomy Term Reference Tree Widget

61 people starred this project

About this module

Single Directory Components

58 people starred this project

Error message


43 people starred this project

Development and Issue tracking for this project is at

The CodeMirror Editor

19 people starred this project

This module integrates the CodeMirror editor library into Drupal.

Internationalization Single Sign-On

4 people starred this project


Watchdog Mailer

7 people starred this project

This lightweight module expands Drupal core's logging functionality by providing the ability to send email notifications of site errors a

Twig Real Content - empty region / content check helper

15 people starred this project

Provides a "real_content" twig filter and test to determine if a certain twig variable (typically a region) has meaningful content is...

Ajax loader

28 people starred this project

The ajax loader module provides you alternatives to the default drupal core ajax throbber.

Vendor Stream Wrapper

32 people starred this project

Module Overview

GraphQL Core Schema

18 people starred this project

This module automatically exposes a configurable GraphQL schema based on your entity types and fields.

Asymmetric Translations

6 people starred this project

Why does this module exist?

Entity Usage (light)

8 people starred this project

Simple and lightweight module to display referenced entities. Works with all entity type.

Config Revision

9 people starred this project

This module allows creating revision for config entities.

Entity Reference Revisions Translation Fixes

2 people starred this project

Introduction This module fixes some issues with entity reference revisions, content moderation and content translation.

Token OR

33 people starred this project

This module extends the token module to use "OR" logic within a single

GraphQL Compose

34 people starred this project

A Drupal GraphQL Schema Generator. Features

CKEditor 5 Premium Features

30 people starred this project

Workspaces Extra

7 people starred this project

This module provides various enhancements for the core Workspaces module.

Trailing Slash

4 people starred this project

Drupal 8 What is it? Adds trailing slashes to all URLs you want. For example: This feature could be usefull for SEO...

Super Term Reference Autocomplete Widget

59 people starred this project

The Straw (Super Term Reference Autocomplete Widget)


38 people starred this project

Read the blog post: A modern alternat

Storage Entities

95 people starred this project

A new entity type for managing data that should be stored in the database, but only displayed within or associated with other content.

Paragraphs Browser

79 people starred this project

Paragraphs Browser provides a form widget for the Paragraphs modul

Content Language Access

21 people starred this project

Content Language Access Module restricts the access of only contents with language (except neutral language) that are equal of the actual

ECA: Event - Condition - Action

186 people starred this project

ECA is the no-code solution that empowers you to orchestrate your Drupal site.

Drupal Symfony Mailer

100 people starred this project

A new mail-system based on the popular Symfony Mailer library gi

Media Library Media Modify

40 people starred this project

Enhances the core media library with the ability to modify the referenced media items.

Layout Components

78 people starred this project

This module is a extension of "Layout Builder" and provides a complete package of components and new features integrated with that syste

Media Migration

31 people starred this project

☝️ Media Migration is still is in alpha stability!

Typed Entity

63 people starred this project

Use Typed Entity as a namespace for your business logic.

Admin Menu Swap

27 people starred this project

Admin Menu Swap allows you to set a custom administration menu per role.

Twig Extensions

20 people starred this project

Porting Twig extensions to Drupal

Link Attributes widget

79 people starred this project

Overview Link attributes widget provides an additional widget for the link field found in Drupal core.

Commerce: Product taxonomy filter

19 people starred this project

This lightweight module is trying to solve the problem that Views contextual filter named "Content has taxonomy term ID (with depth)" is

Layout Paragraphs

213 people starred this project

Layout Paragraphs provides an intuitive drag-and-drop experience for building flexible layouts with

Gin Toolbar

47 people starred this project

Helper module to bring the Gin Toolbar into the Frontend of your site.

Layout Builder iFrame Modal

25 people starred this project

Render Layout Builder edit forms in an iframe, using the admin theme.

Layout Builder Modal

89 people starred this project

This module lets you add and configure existing blocks in a modal in the Layout Builder UI.


139 people starred this project


Commerce Pricelist

51 people starred this project

Drupal Commerce by default lets you set a single default price per product variation. The price can be manipulated based on the date,...
