CKEditor CodeMirror

35 people starred this project

CKEditor CodeMirror adds syntax highlighting for "Source View" in CKEditor WYSIWYG editor.

Views Entity Reference Filter

55 people starred this project


GraphQL Layout Builder

5 people starred this project

The GraphQL Layout Builder module allows you to build decoupled websites using GraphQL and the full power of layout builder.

Single Content Sync

51 people starred this project

If you are looking for a way of migrating your content and deploying them to another environment without manual steps afterward - this mo


189 people starred this project

Tome is a static site generator, and a static storage system for content.

Project Browser

64 people starred this project

The Project Browser makes it easy for site builders to find modules.

Bootstrap 4 Modal

14 people starred this project

This module provides a bootstrap modal. Compatible with bootstrap 4 and bootstrap 5 themes.

Tailwind CSS Starter Kit

49 people starred this project

This is a starter kit/demo theme for using Tailwind CSS within Drupal.

Gin Admin Theme

321 people starred this project

A radically new UI layout paired with goodies like a Darkmode will give your Drupal's Admin interface a facelift. The Gin theme also...

Image Optimize

122 people starred this project

Drupal 8+ A Drupal 8+ version of this module is in active development, a relatively stable beta version is available. The Drupal 8+ version...


45 people starred this project

RoleAssign specifically allows site administrators to further delegate the task of managing user's roles while withholding the Adminis


90 people starred this project

Summary PHP Authentication shield. It creates a simple shield for the site with Apache authentication. It hides the sites, if the user does...

Symfony debug

11 people starred this project

This module replaces the default Drupal exception handler by a handler provided by the

Raven: Sentry Integration

59 people starred this project

Raven module provides integration with Sentry, an application monitoring and error tracki

Migration Planner

8 people starred this project

Drush 9 command used to query a Drupal 7 site database and generate an Excel file that can be used to plan migrations.

CKEditor Anchor Link

43 people starred this project

The Drupal Core CKEditor is missing some very important options. Anchor Link!!!!

Configuration Split

215 people starred this project


Twig Tweak

240 people starred this project

Twig Tweak is a small module which provides a Twig extension with some useful functions and filters that can improve development experien

Snippet Manager

34 people starred this project

Snippets are pieces of Twig code that can be used to build site layouts.