Easy Social

22 people starred this project

Easily add share buttons to your nodes!

Facebook Page Plugin

19 people starred this project

The Page Plugin is a social plugin that enables Fac

Facebook Instant Articles

26 people starred this project

The Facebook Instant Articles modules allow administrators to add content from a Drupal site to Facebook, to be viewed on mobile devices

Views Layout

68 people starred this project

A simple module to arrange Views results in a grid defined by a layout (requires the Layout Discovery module).


37 people starred this project

Toc.js module integrate the jQuery plugin TOC.js into Drupal.

Views Bulk Edit

78 people starred this project

Allows bulk updating of entity values via views bulk actions.

Search Kint

16 people starred this project

Heavily based on the search_krumo module; however this works wit

Views Entity Form Field

77 people starred this project

This module provides the ability to add form field widgets to a view to edit multiple entities at one time.


71 people starred this project

Viewfield provides a field that holds a reference to a View and renders it whenever the entity containing the field is displayed. Features...

Views Reference Field

129 people starred this project

This field in conjunction with the Paragraphs module, makes for a

RNG - Events and Registrations

75 people starred this project

The UI for registering for events is broken in the 3.x version. You may want to try one of the similar registration modules instead...


60 people starred this project

Allows to use ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick as image toolkit for Image API in Drupal. This integration is based on invoking the convert...

Migrate Tools

88 people starred this project

The Migrate Tools module provides tools for running and managing Drupal migrations.

Views Database Connector

57 people starred this project

Description Views Database Connector is a powerful module that gives Views full access to external database tables found in the settings...

Embedded Google Docs Viewer

33 people starred this project



16 people starred this project

A CKeditor plugin that allows editors to add a block of text to the content.


69 people starred this project

Drupal 7 "The cck model for voting with Drupal" (source) This module provides flexible voting widgets for nodes and comments....

Recurring Events

39 people starred this project

The plug-and-play recurring events and registration system for Drupal.

Fullcalendar View

117 people starred this project

This is a View plugin module that provides a calendar view format powered by FullCalend

Exclude Node Title

41 people starred this project

This module handles a very simple functionality, decide whatever to exclude a node title from full node page or node teasers.

GD Header

10 people starred this project

2020-12-20: this project is abandoned.

Bootstrap Layouts

83 people starred this project

This project is the combination of the Drupal 7

Animate On Scroll

20 people starred this project

Animate On Scroll (AOS) library allows you to animate elements as you scroll down and up.

CKEditor Widgets

15 people starred this project

Improve the content authoring experience by using CKEditor's new widget interface.


68 people starred this project

This module allows you to attach tabular data to an entity.


1 people starred this project

This module provides integration with the Stellar.js library.


97 people starred this project

Geofield is an advanced module for storing, managing and representing dynamic Geographic data in Drupal.

Geofield Map

88 people starred this project

Geofield Map is an advanced, complete and easy-to-use Geo Mapping solution for Drupal 8+, based on and fully compatible

BEE Bookable Entities Everywhere

63 people starred this project


Block field

85 people starred this project

About this Module

Animations (JS/CSS)

25 people starred this project

The animations module consist of a set of cool cross-browser animations based on CSS/JS.

CKEditor Accordion

48 people starred this project

Allows users to create & display content in an accordion.

CKEditor Bootstrap Buttons

28 people starred this project

This module is an extension to the D

CKEditor Responsive Plugin

12 people starred this project

Tired of manage responsive when you have to use WYSIWYG editor ?

Views Aggregator Plus

81 people starred this project

As the Views and Views Calc modules rely on the database to perform aggregation, you only have limited options at your disposal. As the...

Views PHP

13 people starred this project

This module allows the admin account (user 1) to add fields, filters and sorts to views which use PHP code. It also supports additional...

Entity Reference View Widget

16 people starred this project

This module provides an advanced Entity Reference widget that uses

Bootstrap Paragraphs

98 people starred this project

The Bootstrap Paragraphs module provides a suite of content and layout


25 people starred this project

Data module helps you model, manage and query related sets of tables. It offers an administration interface and a low level API for...


12 people starred this project

Provides TinyPNG integration. What does TinyPNG do? TinyPNG uses smart lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your PNG...

Image Optimize

123 people starred this project

Drupal 8+ A Drupal 8+ version of this module is in active development, a relatively stable beta version is available. The Drupal 8+ version...

Time Range

11 people starred this project

Time Range

Views data export

142 people starred this project

This module is designed to provide a way to export large amounts of data from views.

Color Field

55 people starred this project

Color Field is simple field that use a hexadecimal notation (HEX) for the combination of Red, Green, and Blue color values (RGB).

W3CSS Theme ⚡️

56 people starred this project

The W3CSS Theme holds the distinction of being the first Drupal theme to utilize the

Recurring Dates Field

75 people starred this project

Recurring Dates Field provides a field type for Drupal, handling the storage of recurring dates and integrations around them.

Taxonomy Manager

102 people starred this project

This module provides a powerful interface for managing taxonomies.

Search 404

59 people starred this project

What is the Search 404 Module?

Real-time SEO for Drupal

139 people starred this project

Improve your Drupal SEO: this module helps you optimize content around keywords in a fast, natural, non-spam way.

Social API

74 people starred this project

This project is part of the
