Date all day

20 people starred this project

Provides a field widget and a set of field formatters for date range field types to allow editors to set that a date has no time, meaning

Recurring Dates Field

75 people starred this project

Recurring Dates Field provides a field type for Drupal, handling the storage of recurring dates and integrations around them.

CKEditor Templates

54 people starred this project

This module integrates the Ckeditor templates plugin. It provides a dialog to offer predefined content templates - with page layout, text...

Fullcalendar View

117 people starred this project

This is a View plugin module that provides a calendar view format powered by FullCalend

USWDS Ckeditor Integration

16 people starred this project

With the USWDS library ( becoming

USWDS Paragraph Components

9 people starred this project

This suite of Paragraphs bundles works within the