Simple account policy

2 people starred this project

INTRODUCTION This module implements a simple account policy with the following configurable rules:

Media orientation

1 people starred this project

What does it do?

Layout Builder Extras - live update

5 people starred this project

What does it do You can compare it to quick_edit, but then in the mindset of "Layout Builder."


2 people starred this project

What does it do

Drush language negotiation

1 people starred this project

Drush language negotiation

Manage content in a dialog

7 people starred this project

What does it do Allows to add /edit /delete / translate content in a modal or dialog (off canvas tray)


10 people starred this project

When Antibot & Honeypot aren't sufficient and you don't want those in your face anti spam captchas, this is the module for you!

Layout Builder Extras UX

19 people starred this project

How to use it Go to the settings page and select which additions you want. Nothing is enabled by default.

Views filter select

5 people starred this project

Adds a views filter select option.

Search API Tracking

8 people starred this project

What is it? Search API tracking via (currently) DB storage. The storage is swappable if needed.