18 people starred this project

Anu LMS is a deceptively simple learning management system (LMS) for individual teachers, educational organisations and businesses built

Responsive and off-canvas menu

82 people starred this project


Menu Admin per Menu

64 people starred this project

By default, Drupal allows only users with the Administer menus and menu items permission to add, modify or delete menu items. ...

Admin Menu Swap

27 people starred this project

Admin Menu Swap allows you to set a custom administration menu per role.

Multi Peer Review

7 people starred this project

The Multi Peer Review module adds functions that facilitate peer review of your publications by various user-defined panels.

Node Import Update

1 people starred this project

This module is intended to simply extend the functionality of the the excellent

Promote Drupal

5 people starred this project

The goal of the Promote Drupal Initiative is to increase Drupal's adoption rate by creating marketing materials customized and targeted t

Hotkeys for Save

11 people starred this project

Do you often edit content or other site data? Do you get tired of scrolling endless down to the Save button?

BankID OpenID Connect

6 people starred this project

The OpenID Connect Provider from BankID is a multi-Identity Provider (IDP) platform returning standardized ID Tokens for auth

Bootstrap Storybook

27 people starred this project

This theme is obsolete

replaced by DANSE

6 people starred this project

Flashpoint Education

9 people starred this project

Flashpoint Education is a set of modules that creates an online education website.

Advanced Progressive Web App

28 people starred this project

Turn your website into a progressive web app

Commerce Event Ticket

7 people starred this project

Commerce Event Ticket automatically creates 'ticket' entities when customers purchase products in a

Seeds Toolbar (NEW Drupal Administration Toolbar)

47 people starred this project

Seeds Toolbar is a new UX concept for Drupal admin navigation.

Setka – no-code post builder

14 people starred this project

Upgrade your content to engage and convert. Installation allows Drupal to replace text area fields with Setka’s post builder, which makes...

User Active Indicator

6 people starred this project

Description This module shows an active mark and a last access timestamp next to the username.

A/B Test JS

19 people starred this project



150 people starred this project

This module provides an implementation of Google Chrome Lab's

Easy booking

20 people starred this project

Easy booking allows you to set up a website, that will suit all your needs in managing your own hotel, inn or hostel online.

Draggable dashboard

37 people starred this project

The purpose of the module is to create dashboards, that consist of different blocks.

Mailchimp Popup Block

2 people starred this project

PWA - Progressive Web App

138 people starred this project

What is a Progressive Web App?

Quicker Edit

13 people starred this project

Quicker Edit makes Quick Edit even faster accessible.

Google Analytics Reports

38 people starred this project

Google Analytics Reports module provides graphical reporting of your site's tracking data. Graphical reports include small path-based...