Composite field

3 people starred this project

The module formally known as Field Union Features ...

Views Better REST export

2 people starred this project

This module provides a new REST export display for views, which allows return JSON from view in a more flexible way.

Flexible permissions

22 people starred this project

The Flexible permissions module allows you to gather, calculate and cache permissions from a myriad of sources.

Animate On Scroll

20 people starred this project

Animate On Scroll (AOS) library allows you to animate elements as you scroll down and up.

Wingsuit - Storybook for UI Patterns

35 people starred this project

Companion module for Wingsuit.

Action Link

15 people starred this project

The Action Links module allows site admins to create links which perform an action when clicked.

410 on archived content

3 people starred this project

Returns http code 410 on an archived content


13 people starred this project

This feature is now available in Drupal 10.2! 🚀


10 people starred this project

Igbinary is a drop in replacement for the standard php serializer.


52 people starred this project

Drupal form theming with less pain

Page Cache Boost

3 people starred this project

This module caches pages for anonymous users on a best effort basis, regenerating page entries after serving stale ones with low a TTL.

Enum Generator

2 people starred this project

Enum Generator provides a means of generating enums or class constants files from your site's entities/entity types.

Mustache Logic-less Templates

16 people starred this project

This module enhances Drupal with {{Mustache}} - a simple yet powerful templating language.

Field tools

76 people starred this project

A collection of useful UI tools for working with fields.

ECA: Event - Condition - Action

185 people starred this project

ECA is the no-code solution that empowers you to orchestrate your Drupal site.


44 people starred this project


Threejs field 3d Object

6 people starred this project

Use CDN threejs

Migrate generator

6 people starred this project

This module provides a drush command to generate migrations (imports) based on source CSV files :

Data export phpspreadsheet

6 people starred this project

This module extends Views Data Export module to allow XLSX files export.

Base Field Override UI

43 people starred this project

The Base Field Override UI module enables an interface to be able to change the labels and descriptions of the fields that have been crea


39 people starred this project

Cloud (Cloud Orchestrator

Entity dumper

4 people starred this project

Note this is not a module and needs to be installed with composer require drupal/entity_dumper and then

CMP Sirdata

5 people starred this project


Block List Override

28 people starred this project

Remove unnecessary blocks from the block list for better system performance.

Layout Builder Inline Block QuickEdit

8 people starred this project

This module is a technical preview. Don't use in Production

Key value field

36 people starred this project

Allows to store a key/value pair in a field. This for example allows you to store arbitrary properties on an entity.

Hash wrapper

4 people starred this project

This is a simple wrapper for Drupal 7 implementing a 'hash://' schema to help with storing a couple (ten) million files.

Commerce Simple Stock

16 people starred this project

The module implements a simple stock management for Drupal Commerce. Usage: - Add a field_stock to the variant type.


1 people starred this project

1) Connect to Google Tag Manager 2) Add site meta: * Google Webmaster * Yandex Webmaster

Drupal Improvements

10 people starred this project

Many Drupal improvements — field widgets & formatters, views plugins, cache contexts, and many others.

Image Buffer Widget

3 people starred this project

Image Buffer Widget ============= Provides an image widget that allows users upload image from a buffer.

Mini Layouts

35 people starred this project

Mini layouts is a spiritual successor to "Mini Panels" for Drupal 8 built on the core Layout Builder module.

AI Support Bot

6 people starred this project

To download directly from  AI Support Bot:

Simple Page Manager

17 people starred this project

Simple Page Manager allows you to create exportable pages (configuration entities) that are built with Layout Builder and blocks.

Config – Dynamic Split

3 people starred this project

Dynamic Split allows configuration to be segmented dynamically based on the value of one or more tokens.

Prometheus Exporter

12 people starred this project

This module exports Drupal metrics to be consumed by Prometheus scrapers.

Stackable Layouts

4 people starred this project

Stackable layouts is a set of layouts designed for use with Layout Paragraphs.

Smart Date

190 people starred this project

This module attempts to provide a more user-friendly date field, by upgrading the functionality of core in a number of ways:

Replica Cache

1 people starred this project

This module provides a replica database cache backend.

Draggable dashboard

37 people starred this project

The purpose of the module is to create dashboards, that consist of different blocks.

Responsive Theme Preview

45 people starred this project

The Responsive Preview module provides content and theme administrators with a quick way to preview how their site's pages will appear at


5 people starred this project



14 people starred this project

About Organigrams provides the ability to easily create and manage organization

Request cleanup

6 people starred this project

Increase internal page cache efficiency by removing URL query parameters coming from Facebook (fbclick), Google (utm_source, utm_medium,<

Field Inheritance

26 people starred this project

The field inheritance module can be considered to be a field-level entity reference alternative.

Layout Builder Backgrounds

9 people starred this project

This module provides the ability to add images, solid colors, and other unique backgrounds to any Layout Builder section.

User email verification

17 people starred this project



7 people starred this project

When the same config export YAML changes in two branches, merges can become nightmarish especially in display configuration files as the

Views Bulk Reference Edit

3 people starred this project

Allows bulk edition of referenced entity field values.

Configuration Override Warn

31 people starred this project

Implements the warning message proposed by
