Register display

18 people starred this project

The Register display module allows the user to use the display form as a

Registration Link

18 people starred this project


Commerce guest registration

23 people starred this project

Commerce Pricelist

50 people starred this project

Drupal Commerce by default lets you set a single default price per product variation. The price can be manipulated based on the date,...

Commerce Price Rule

22 people starred this project

Price Rules allow store owners to customise product prices based on a variety of conditions, such as based on user role, product type or

Deluxe Marketing Suite

1 people starred this project

Increase your email subscriber list by installing a contact form on your site.

Commerce User Points

14 people starred this project

About Drupal Commerce User Points:

Google analytics server triggered events

2 people starred this project

Ever wanted to trigger a google analytics event when something happens server side?

PayPal Simple Subscription

1 people starred this project

This module allows you add a subscription to any content (any entity) as a normal content field.

Commerce Webform Order

34 people starred this project

This module integrates Webform with

Categories for Commerce Cart

10 people starred this project

This module allows you to add rubrication of products in the shopping cart.

Commerce Cart Advanced

19 people starred this project

Commerce Cart Advanced provides enhancements on the Commerce Cart module for Drupal Commerce.

Commerce Order PDF

7 people starred this project

Commerce Order PDF provides a PDF receipt functionality for all the orders. It uses DOM PDF library to generate PDF.

Recurring PayPal Donations

9 people starred this project

Simple 8.x version of the PayPal Donations module.


1 people starred this project

The Calculated Rate field allows you to leverage token and other fields in a way to create calculated values that can show for content el

Googalytics Commerce

3 people starred this project

Provides integration of Drupal Commerce into Googalytics module by implementing the Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking commands on placi

Product Builder for Drupal Commerce

35 people starred this project

Product Builder module provides an interface and extended structure for customizable products in Drupal commerce.

Image Widget Crop

123 people starred this project


Simple Block

32 people starred this project


Entity Embed

98 people starred this project

Entity Embed allows any entity to be embedded within a text area using a WYSIWYG editor.


59 people starred this project

A framework module to help smooth the developer experience of offering embeddable things using the Drupal 8 WYSIWYG editor.


171 people starred this project

This module lets you craft and expose a GraphQL schema for Drupal 9 and 10.

Automatic Alternative Text

57 people starred this project

The module uses the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Servi

Remote Stream Wrapper

48 people starred this project

Provides the ability to use external files with file fields without saving the files to your local files directory. Also provides a 'Remote...

Feeds Tamper

65 people starred this project

Feeds Tamper provides a small plugin architecture for Feeds to modify data before it gets saved. Several plugins are available by default...

Content Import

67 people starred this project

Content Import: This is the simple module which allow an administrator user to import data from a CSV file.

Feeds Paragraphs

13 people starred this project

Synopsis Allows mapping to Paragraphs fields.


36 people starred this project

Drupal 8

Content moderation

4 people starred this project

User reviews can be found here

Default Content

126 people starred this project

Overview Default content gives your module and install profile a way to ship default content as well as configuration.

Content Synchronization

150 people starred this project

We’ve always had a challenge synchronizing content across Drupal environments.

Config Filter

56 people starred this project


Paragraphs Class

11 people starred this project


CMS Content Sync

44 people starred this project


60 people starred this project

Replicate module provides an API to duplicate / clone an entity.

Contenta JS

6 people starred this project

This module is necessary for Contenta JS to function properly.


78 people starred this project

This module allows you to make your Drupal information architecture (as exposed by your web service of choice) discoverable using the Ope

Netlify Webhooks

7 people starred this project

The Netlify Webhooks module is used to trigger build hooks for sites hosted on Netlify as the content on your Drupal site changes.


189 people starred this project

Tome is a static site generator, and a static storage system for content.

Static Site Generator

29 people starred this project

This module is a continuation of the Drupal 7 Static Generator module ("static").

Entity Clone

118 people starred this project

What is this module?

Commerce Product Add-on

37 people starred this project

Commerce Product Add-On allows users to attach products as options to the add to cart form of another product.

Commerce Reporting

49 people starred this project

This module provides a reports dashboard for Drupal Commerce.

Image Field Zoom

11 people starred this project

Image Field Zoom provides a field formatter that allows you to apply it to your image field.

Image Zoom

9 people starred this project

This module provides a field formatter to zoom an image while hovering over it.

Twig Tweak

240 people starred this project

Twig Tweak is a small module which provides a Twig extension with some useful functions and filters that can improve development experien

Menu Item Extras

176 people starred this project

Menu Item Extras provides extra fields for the Menu Items without using additional entities. This module is NOT an alternative of all Mega...

Font Awesome Menu Icons

51 people starred this project

Dependencies Font Awesome

Menu Block

92 people starred this project

This module provides configurable blocks of menu links with additional features not available in Drupal 8+ core.

Menu Twig

13 people starred this project

Menu twig is a Drupal module that provides text-area to render the HTML or twig extensions.
