
20 people starred this project

Provides Stripe integration with Drupal. All are welcome to help out.

HTML Tag Usage

3 people starred this project



34 people starred this project

A bridge between frameworks, Drupal in the back, Nuxt.js in the front.  

Image Style Generate

15 people starred this project


PHPStorm metadata

25 people starred this project

What is this module? Tired of adding DocBlocks like

Media PDF Thumbnail

50 people starred this project

The module provides an image field formatter for the thumbnail field of Media entities.

LANGUAGE_NONE to Default Language

2 people starred this project


Custom Search

28 people starred this project

This module alters the default search box in many ways.

Node Link Report

21 people starred this project

Node Link Checker

Config Ignore

88 people starred this project


Tabs in toolbar

8 people starred this project

This simple module places the local menu tabs (for example the View/Edit/Revision tabs in a node view page) into a toolbar that is fixed

Behat UI

24 people starred this project

The Behat UI module lets any person to run automated tests and create new tests (and also run them while they are being created).

Menu Link Config

25 people starred this project

Menu Link Config is a drop-in replacement for core's Custom Menu Links module.

Group Menu

13 people starred this project

This module is designed to associate group specific menus with a group when using the

Editor Advanced link

111 people starred this project

Enhances the link Dialog in CKEditor. Allows to define the following attributes:

CKEditor Resize

12 people starred this project

This module integrates the resize CKEditor plugin for Drupal 8.

Menu Trail By Path

63 people starred this project

Menu Trail By Path sets the active-trail on menu items according to the current url.

Default Content Set

7 people starred this project

This module provides a number of enhancements to the Default Content for D8 module.

Block Styles

38 people starred this project

Using the Styles API Module allows to set different styles for blo

Default Content Deploy

73 people starred this project

A default content deploy solution for Drupal 9.

Paragraphs entity embed

26 people starred this project

Paragraphs Entity Embed provides a way to embed parapraphs in any rich-text field using the WYSIWYG editor.

Entity Autocomplete Suggestions

6 people starred this project

This module helps in altering the entity autocomplete suggestions and provide the configuration form to configure the autocomplete sugges


49 people starred this project

Defines a new "FlexField" field type that lets you create simple inline multiple-value fields without having to use entity refer

Filter checkboxes

4 people starred this project

Module allows you filter big amount of the checkbox items quickly. How to use it:

Web Page Archive

42 people starred this project


Group Content Menu

24 people starred this project

About this Module Group module

Image Resize Filter

40 people starred this project

The easiest end-user solution for resizing inline images. This filter makes it easy to resize images, especially when combined with a...

Workspaces route lock

3 people starred this project

Adds a way to lock arbitrary drupal routes to selected workspaces.

Preprocessor Plugins

13 people starred this project

This module grants developers the ability to create Plugins

Entity Reference with Layout

88 people starred this project

This Module is No Longer Being Maintained

Micro Site

49 people starred this project

This module allows to create micro sites from a Drupal 8 site.

Layout Builder UX

24 people starred this project

Iterating on Layout Builder UI for usability improvements.

Base USWDS - United States Web Design System

29 people starred this project

Base theme utilizing the United States Web Design System.

Paragraphs Selection

6 people starred this project

Let paragraph bundles define where they can be used.

Entity Modifier

4 people starred this project

Entity Modifier allows you to create re-usable bundles with fields inside of it which you can attach to any entity type.

Layout Builder Enhancements

20 people starred this project


Queue Unique

13 people starred this project

Did you ever want a queue that only accepts unique items? This module provides a way of doing that.

Recurring Date Field Modular Widgets

32 people starred this project

Provides a framework for developing widgets for Recurring Dates Field<

Block field

85 people starred this project

About this Module

Entity Reference CRUD Display

10 people starred this project

This module provides a new formatter to allow in-place creating, editing and deleting of referenced entities on any entity display (full

Recurring Dates Field

75 people starred this project

Recurring Dates Field provides a field type for Drupal, handling the storage of recurring dates and integrations around them.

Recreate Block Content

48 people starred this project

This module recreates the Block Content for a exported Custom Block.

Entity comparison

29 people starred this project



71 people starred this project

Viewfield provides a field that holds a reference to a View and renders it whenever the entity containing the field is displayed. Features...

Exit Modal

2 people starred this project

Exit Modal provides a simple way to display a block as an exit popup modal.

Tasty Backend

22 people starred this project

Tasty Backend provides a ready made administration experience for day-to-day content administrators.


130 people starred this project

The Profile module provides configurable user profiles.

Views Advanced Routing

24 people starred this project

Views Advanced Routing is a module providing a custom display extender for Views allowing you to take advantage of Drupal 8's new routing

Config Override Inspector

32 people starred this project

Config Override Inspector provides indicators to administrators where form fields represent configuration that is overridden.


79 people starred this project

Enhancing the Drupal Author Experience.
