commerce_square 8.x-1.0-beta4

Bug fixes

Changes since 8.x-1.0-beta3:

  • #2888665 by mglaman: Square configuration form broken with latest Commerce changed
  • #2888096 by mglaman: Send billing information with charge request for chargeback protection

webform_feedback 7.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Accidentally didn't push this in last release.
- adding jquery_update dependency

webform_feedback 7.x-2.1

Bug fixes
New features

- adding libraries module requirement
- using confirmation page for redirect
- Fixing focus on form
- Adding inert library and ability to list classes to be added to via form
- Switching previous page to query string as to not appear to be different pages
- Giving the option to remove the nojs form due to excessive spamming and 301 forward user to different page
- making closing work with esc and clicking outside the box
- moved js include to hook_build_page to fix caching issues
- adding class to feedback button

wetkit 7.x-4.17

Bug fixes


See the file.

Update / Release Cycle

The 4.x branch is now currently the recommended branch for use in production websites.

Please always remember to only follow this upgrade process as this module is part of a distribution.


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