This project is under active development. / payment gateway

This module allows you to collect payments in more than 20 different payment types via system.

Commerce line item page

Drupal Commerce allows you to sell customizable products that require customer input when added to the cart.

Europeana API

Search integration

The project use the Europeana API to integrate content from the European digital library, into Drupal in two ways:

Forum generate

This module extends the devel module's devel_generate to allow example forum structures to be generated.

Drupal core's forums (including those enhanced by Advanced Forum) are really just taxonomy terms, and the devel_generate module can generate taxonomy terms by itself.

What this module adds is the ability to create some terms which are forum containers, plus it also specifically inserts generated terms into the appropriate vocabulary.

Who should use it?

Developers might want to use it to create test data when working with core forum or Advanced Forum.

Similarly site builders could use it to create example data in order to evaluate Drupal's forum functionality, including enhancements to this functionality added by other contrib modules.


The forum_generate module adds an admin page to those already provided by devel_generate:


...hopefully the options there are self-explanatory.

If you want to create a set of test forum data, you might want to do something like:

  • generate 100 users
  • generate 5 forum containers and 25 forums
  • generate 250 Forum topic nodes, with maximum 50 comments, adding taxonomy terms to each node.



Cryptolog enhances user privacy (and compliance with data protection and consumer privacy regulations such as GDPR, CCPA/CPRA, etc.) by logging ephemeral identifiers in place of client IP addresses


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