This project is under active development.

Fapi Image Field


This module actually comes as a helper, to assist developers who wish to create
a custom form with image uploads preview, using the form API.
It is more suitable for the examples project and really after understanding
the code you may snippet to your module the relevant parts.

If you ever wanted to create a image upload field with an image preview on a custom form using the form api, this module may just be the thing you need !
Simple and easy to understand how you can achieve an image preview.


This module gives you a handicap to set a default image preview for your forms if you wish to use the module's theme process.
- More than that, it will guide you through if you wish to make different image preview for diversion of fields.


Image module - Drupal 7 Core.
The module itself has no particular PHP, database, or Drupal requirements, other than it only works with Drupal 7.x.


Just go to the Form API Image Field settings, under config/user-interface.
- Choose the image style you wish to use for previews.

All you need to do to use this module is to add a managed_file field and apply
the #theme attribute value "fapi_image_preview"

Example (Minimal):
$form['imagefield'] = array(
'#type' => 'managed_file',

Block Inject Filter

The Block Inject Module Provides an Input Filter that you can add to any of your Input Formats. Once enabled, the filter allows you to inject (insert) any Custom Block into the content at the end of a predefined number of paragraph.

The module is an out of the box solutions for inserting Custom Blocks (Like Adsense Ad) into the content(article) automagically at the end of a specified paragraph (say 2nd para) in all articles.


Filter Module, which is available in Drupal Core.


* Download and Install the Module


* Edit any of your Input Format (say Full HTML)
* Enable "Block Inject" filter
* In the configuration form of the filter, provide below details:
1) The Custom Block which has to be inserted
2) The tag after which the Block has to be injected
You can choose to inject the block after the close of Nth

tag, or

tag or a New Line
3) The value of N (The number of the paragraph after which you wish to insert)


* If you have other filters enabled along with Block Inject filter, observe how are changing the output. It is recommended to place Block Inject Fiter on top of all other filters
* Beware than though your actual content does not have any

tag, the could be


A little Features-based module that kludges the Date project's Date Repeat field to schedule email notifications on a per-user basis. Developers can implement one or more of this module's hooks to specify what is sent. See the included pester_watchdog.module for an example.

Basic usage:

We assume all views take a user ID as their first argument, or accept no arguments. Arrays returned from hook implementations are keyed by user permission; If a user hasn't been granted that permission they won't be sent the output of the corresponding view.

 * Implements hook_pester_views().
function mymodule_pester_views() {
  return array(
    'access content' =>  array(
        'view' => 'myview',
        'display' => 'block', // Defaults to 'default', rather sensibly.
        'weight' => 0, // To order output of multiple views.

This module is intended to be as lightweight as possible (i.e. I'm lazy). If you want to do anything fancy with the output, you'll have to implement one or more Views hooks, eg.:

* Implements hook_views_pre_build().
function mymodule_views_pre_build(&$view) {
if ($view->name == 'myview' && $view->current_display == 'block' && ($user = user_load($view->args[0]))) {

Reservations: Advanced Inventory UI

This module alters the default UI provided by Reservations breaking the Reservable items up into multiple sub-inventories.

Commerce Migrate OSC

These are migration classes based on the Migrate module, to migrate an osCommerce site to Drupal Commerce.



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