wetkit_bootstrap 7.x-4.3

New features


See the changelog.md file.

Update / Release Cycle

The 4.x branch is now currently the recommended branch for use in production websites. The 1.x branch is now in maintenance mode and will receive only security updates for the next 6 months.

wetkit_breadcrumbs 7.x-4.4

New features


See the changelog.md file.

Update / Release Cycle

The 4.x branch is now currently the recommended branch for use in production websites. The 1.x branch is now in maintenance mode and will receive only security updates for the next 6 months.

simple_sitemap 8.x-1.7

New features

- Added optional sitemap index functionality for larger sites.
- Added an option which sets how many links each sitemap should hold.
- Improved code documentation.

beep_edition 8.x-1.0

New features

This is the first release of Beep Edition for D8. I've based it on Stable, and included all of the template files for easy reference and modification (only some have been modified from core where needed).


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