haystack 7.x-1.6

New features

Separating the Haystack JS object into two objects, Haystack settings and the Haystack init objects.

This enables the use of the new Drupal.settings.haystack.default_search_type = 'article' in the JS to search a default type on load.

haystack 8.x-1.4

New features

Separating the Haystack JS object into two objects, Haystack settings and the Haystack init objects.

This enables the use of the new drupalSettings.haystack.default_search_type = 'article' in the JS to search a default type on load.

web_page_archive 8.x-1.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

8.x-1.x-beta1 introduces new features and improves user experience. With this we are considering 8.x-1.0 to be feature complete and is officially in beta now. From here on out focus will be on stability as we gear towards a major release.

menu_link_attributes 8.x-1.0-beta5

New features

We introduced container attributes in 8.x-1.0-beta4 which where grouped and display seperately from the link attributes. This has been changed and you can find all attributes in one fieldset now.

All new commits since the last version can be found here.


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