widget_type 1.5.13

New features

Contributors (1)



Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 1.5.12:


  • #3341734 by e0ipso: Drupal 10 compatibility

cl_bootstrap 1.0.0-alpha1

Bug fixes
New features
  1. Making the glossary twig array overridable at the theme level.
  2. Moving a bunch of section settings from custom vars to the glossary array.
  3. Built-in auto discovery for new sections. Sections can be loaded from another theme or module as well (for any multi-site cases).
  4. Sections are now resolved in the order of; current active theme, a custom path (the machine name of the theme or module your new section lives in.), the ixm_components_ui_kit module, and finally the boilerplate section template.

search_api_pantheon 8.1.2

Bug fixes
New features

Updates to the provided drush commands
Issue #3261858 by DamienMcKenna, heddn

tripal 4.0.0-alpha1

New features

Tripal4-alpha1 Release Notes

This is the very first release of Tripal 4. It is NOT FOR USE ON PRODUCTION sites at this time.

That said, it is a well-tested version with a lot of functionality which is listed below. This version is meant to be used to start updating all extension modules and to explore the new functionality. We recommend using the Development Tripal Docker for this purpose rather then installing directly at this point.

queue_unique 3.0.1

New features

Add a summary here

Contributors (4)

DieterHolvoet, david.qdoscc, e0ipso, pwolanin


Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.0:


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