Bootstrap Site Alert

The Bootstrap Site Alert module allows people to create a system wide message that is bootstrap themed.

7.x Version

Install the module as you would any other module outlined in this documentation.

Go to : /admin/config/system/bootstrap-site-alert

Bootstrap Library

Bootstrap Library loads via libraries the Bootstrap files installed on /sites/all/libraries/bootstrap, regardless of the theme you are using. It does nothing else.

When using Bootstrap themes is particularly helpful to:

Installation with drush

Kalatheme now ships with Drush commands that mimic the subtheme generator GUI. Here are some basic commands to help you get started:


Please see our new Quickstarts documentation for Kalatheme 3.0 on Github:

Documentation below may be out of date for Kalatheme 3.0 install. Proceed at your own risk.

If you just want to get spun up and working as quickly as possible you have two good approaches.


You can also follow the below steps on YouTube.

Add bootstrap image css class to pictures

Bootstrap 3 has css classes for images -- Responsive images . A preprocess function in template.php can be used to add the css class.

function THEMENAME_preprocess_image_style(&$vars) {
        $vars['attributes']['class'][] = 'img-thumbnail'; // can be 'img-rounded', 'img-circle', or 'img-thumbnail'

And "Clear Cache" (admin/config/development/performance).


Please see the new documentation for Kalatheme 3.0 on Github:
Documentation below may be out of date for Kalatheme 3.0 install. Proceed at your own risk.

Most hardcore developers prefer using a CSS preprocessor over a GUI based tool. For those people we have the SASS Kalatheme project on github. You can check out the installation documentation over there.


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