Working with Mosaik and Pieces

Mosaik module allows you to create pages or blocks using template files for layout and pieces of content.

The main target of Mosaik is to be, in its complexity, an easy to use module.
Everything you will use while developing/building your mosaiks is something that you'll already be familiar with (layout generation, pieces management, mosaik and pieces definitions).

Working with the Pane Module


The Pane module provides translatable custom panels panes with body and optional title, stored as variables.

Using Draggable Views with Panels and Panels Everywhere

It can be a little tricky getting draggable views to work when the view is embedded in a Panels pane or the page makes use of Panels Everywhere. In order to get it to work you need to ensure the following:

Organizing your Site Content (Layout) using the Susy Grid System

There are several Susy tutorials out there that are definitely worth reading, and this Susy reference page is a good one to bookmark.

If you are struggling piecing together those tutorials into the Omega 4 Framework, here are some helpful points to get you up and running quickly.

Omega Susy Variables

a. The $total-columns variable pertains to your mobile grid. You'll likely want to keep this number low since in most cases your mobile regions will only either occupy half of the mobile screen width or the full screen width.

b. Omega 4.x uses the magic grid by default, which is fluid on the inside, with an elastic container max-width. The em-width makes it responsive to font sizes, while the max-width setting makes it responsive to window sizes. Learn more about fluid or static grids.

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