
Room Reservations can display a different version of its pages on desktop and mobile devices. The reservation calendar looks like this on desktop displays:

reservation calendar

The desktop display can be replaced with a display similar to the one below for mobile devices. The mobile display only shows one reservable room per day at one time, and there are controls at the top of the display for viewing a different room and/or day.

reservation calendar

Room Reservations can create a mobile version of its pages if you have created your mobile site as a separate website from your normal desktop site and you have set up both sites using multi-site configuration. (Additional information about the multi-site feature is available here and here.)

Reservations: CM Project Integration

This is a placeholder page for how the Reservations module integrates with the Community Media Project module.

The Community Media Project module requires the Organic groups module, for which there is currently an issue that makes integration of Reservations with Community Media Project a problem at this time.

More information will be forthcoming regarding how Reservations integrates with CM Project as well as the status of this OG issue.

Reservations: Advanced Inventory UI

Reservations Inventory alters the UI provided by Reservations breaking the Reservable items up into multiple inventories. For example, it you are a Community Media organization, you may have equipment available to a Youth Program, Community Producers, and Internal Productions. Instead of staff seeing all equipment when requesting a reservation or seeing all reservations when checking a producer in or out, each UI is limited to only THAT inventory. This could also be use to divide inventories between multiple locations.

The Inventory submodule for the Reservations API was specifically written for MNN, but has been committed to for other stations to use.

Re-order the inventory blocks by adjusting the order of the taxonomy term order for the reservations_inventory taxonomy.

Structure → Taxonomy → Inventory


Disabled blocks by disabling the top level of Menu under Reservations

Structure → Menu → Inventory


After making a change, you must rebuild the menu.

Shortcut → Devel Dashboard → Rebuild menus


Reservations: Features & Requirements

Reservations Features

The Reservations module consists of the following components or submodules:

SMS Messages

When a user makes a room reservation, he is sent a confirmation of the reservation, either by email or, if SMS messages have been enabled (see SMS), by cell phone text message. Also, if the application is configured to send reminders (see Reminders), he will receive a reminder on the day before the reservation. The content of these messages is set on the Messages pages. There is one page for configuring email messages and another page for SMS text messages.


From address. Enter the email address to be shown as the from address on any text messages sent by the module.

Token values. This is a list of values from the reservation that can be substituted into the messages you create. For example, to show the room number in your message, use the %room token. Whereever this token appears in a message, the room number from the reservation is displayed. For more information about using tokens, refer to the Drupal documentation. The following tokens can be used within your messages:

  • %reservation_name - The name given to the reservation to identify it on the reservation calendar.

Email Messages

When a user makes a room reservation, he is sent a confirmation of the reservation, either by email or cell phone text message. Also, if the application is configured to send reminders (see Reminders), he will receive a reminder on the day before the reservation. The content of these messages is set on the Messages pages. There is one page for configuring email messages and another page for SMS text messages.


From address. Enter the email address to be shown as the from address on any email messages sent by the module.

Token values. This is a list of values from the reservation that can be substituted into the messages you create. For example, to show the room number in your message, use the %room token. Where ever this token appears in a message, the room number from the reservation is displayed. For more information about using tokens, refer to the Drupal documentation. The following tokens can be used within your messages:

  • %reservation_name - The name given to the reservation to identify it on the reservation calendar.
  • %room - The room that has been reserved.


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