"Orphaned" languages: How to translate content to a language without translating the user interface to that language

Using the i18n module in Drupal, it is possible to translate content to languages which you do not have enabled on the user interface. The term "orphaned language" is used because the content translation does not belong to a language that's enabled on the UI. For example, if you want your website navigation, footer, header, links, etc. to only be available in English, but you want to translate some articles/content to other languages than English, you can do this; the process is not so straightforward. The purpose of this page is to document the process. For more background information you can refer to XXXX (link to blog post), but please use this Drupal handbook page to get the latest, updated documentation (the documentation in the blog post will be maintained on this page).

Drupal 6 Extended/Orphaned language support

* Enable "content translation" and "locale"

* Enable the "internationalization" module which is a module that's part of http://drupal.org/project/i18n

* Go to admin/settings/language and add a language, for example, Spanish.

* After you add the language, you're back on admin/settings/language. From there, uncheck the "Enable" checkbox for that language in order to disable it as an option on the user interface.

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