Drupal Terminology

Drupal has its own jargon; it can range from confusing and counterintuitive to downright maddening. This list is by no means comprehensive, but it's a start.


This sounds obvious, but you need to know what you want to build before you can build it.

Don't: We need a web site that does X.

Do: People within our class/school/organization need to do Y.

When you begin with the specific actions that need to be completed by specific people in order to succeed/excel, you ensure that you are building a site that meets the needs of your stakeholders.

What Is An Educational Web Site?

When people talk about an "Educational" web site, they can mean many different things. Defining the type of website you want to build is a necessary prerequisite to successfully completing a project.

  • Public-facing school site;
  • Curriculum map;
  • Blog;
  • Forum;
  • Open Content authoring/distribution site;
  • Portfolio site;
  • Aggregation and news site;
  • Online magazine/newspaper;
  • Learning management system;
  • Something else - [your idea here].

Building Useful Educational Sites

These notes are from a presentation by Bill Fitzgerald that was given as part of a three hour session on getting started using Drupal for sites within education.

The session was given on June 27, 2012, at ISTE San Diego.

In the session, we covered the following modules:


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