Checklist for launching a site

When a site is made live, it faces a variety of new performance, user interaction, security, maintenance, and quality assurance concerns. Every site is different, but this checklist will get you started with common site launch tasks. It will also get you thinking about the kind of tasks that may be needed for your specific site's needs.


  • Go to Site Configuration -> Performance and within the Cache area enable Cache pages for anonymous users and Cache blocks by clicking in the checkbox if necessary. You should see checks appear.
  • Within Bandwidth Optimization enable Compress cached pages, Aggregate and compress CSS files, and Aggregate JavaScript files.
  • Turn off unnecessary modules, such as Devel.

User Interaction

  • Protect your forms against spam and attacks.
    • What kind of forms are anonymous and authenticated users able to access on your site?
    • Have you enabled CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA, or an anti-spam service such as Mollom?
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