Geofield - D8

Geofield is a Drupal 8 module that provides a field type for storing geographic data. This data can be attached to any entity, e.g., nodes, users and taxonomy terms. Geofield provides different widgets for data input and formatters for data output. It integrates with other mapping modules (including ... and Geocoder),

Geolocation Field

Geolocation Field Overview

Geolocation Field provides a field type to store geographical locations as pairs of latitude and longitude (lan,lng). Currently, a stable and secure version exists for both Drupal 7 and 8. Since the Drupal 8 version was a complete rewrite the two modules differ in functionality and will be handled separately below. The documentation is currently far behind the module itself, so please feel free to submit any 'how tos' or detailed directions on configuring and using this module.

Geofield Map - Basic mapping for Geofield

Geofield Map is a sub module of Geofield and offers a basic mapping implementation for it. It is intended as a simple way to get site builders up and going with the Geofield module.

The module itself uses the Google Maps v3 Javascript API. It provides a basic field formatter and Views module integration, both of which have basic configuration settings and allows to display Geofield data on Google Maps street, satellite, hybrid and terrain tiles.

PostGIS Field

This module provides a field for geospatial data that can be added to entities. In other words end users can add points, lines or areas on a map as part of a content. This module is similar to the Geofield module, but spatial operations and data storage rely on PostGIS.

The PostGIS module goes well together with the OpenLayers, OpenLayers Editor and the GeoServer modules. It is also part of the Cartaro distribution.

Editing using Drupal PostGIS module and OpenLayers

Address Field

The Address Field module provides a Drupal 7 field for standardized storage of postal addresses based on the OASIS xNAL standard. Address Field adds one or more addresses to an entity, module, or user, and understands the differences for each country.


Geofield is a Drupal 7 & Drupal 8 module that provides a field type for storing geographic data. This data can be attached to any entity, e.g., nodes, users and taxonomy terms. Geofield provides different widgets for data input and formatters for data output.

The Geofield module can store data as Latitude and Longitude, Bounding Box and Well Known Text (WKT) and it supports all types of geographical data: points, lines, polygons, multitypes etc.

It integrates with other mapping modules such as:

  • Geofield Map: an advanced, complete and easy-to-use Geo Mapping solution for Drupal 8, based on Geofield
  • OpenLayers: A very powerful mapping system based on the OpenLayers JavaScript library.
  • Static Map: Simple maps based on Google Maps
  • Leaflet: Moderately powerful mapping system based on the Leaflet JavaScript library
  • Geocoder: Geocode string & text addresses or file-uploads into Geofield locations and viceversa (Reverse Geocode)

and more ...


Install and enable the Geofield module and its required module geoPHP in the usual way. Learn more about installing Drupal modules.

Add a geofield to content

You can add geographical information to an entity (content type, user, taxonomy term or comment) by adding a geofield.

To add a geofield to e.g., a "Basic Page" go to /admin/structure/types/manage/page/fields/

Add a new field of the field type "Geofield", and choose the preferred widget, e.g., "OpenLayers Map". Configure the field according to the chosen options.

Display geographical information

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