Common Questions

This section is incomplete and in-progress. Please be patient we are working to develop the handbook as quickly as is possible.

Read this:

How to remove line @media -sass-debug-info in the css file compiled

You just have to add in your file config.rb located in your theme's folder this line before the condition if (environment.nil?)

environment = :production

Frequently Asked Questions / Known issues

Why doesn't the "Request translation" button show at node/%/translate for some of my content?
This is likely an issue with the configuration of the main content block. Visit Structure > Blocks > and click on configure for "Main page content". Make sure the visibility settings are correct for your site, especially Pages and Content types.
Why I see EntityMetadataWrapperException about missing data property plugin at admin/config/regional/tmgmt/translators page?

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Zentropy.

If the answer to your specific question is not here, don't panic! First check out the official Zentropy issue queue, there's a good chance your question has already been addressed! If it hasn't, no worries, feel free to add an issue asking for help!

Common Questions

This page is a list of commonly asked questions and their corresponding answers.

How do I add a new zone or region to my subtheme?

  1. Locate an existing zone/region in your subtheme's .info file (e.g) regions[header_first] = 'Header First' or zones[header] = 'Header'
  2. Copy & Paste it anywhere in your subtheme's .info file
  3. Rename the new line as appropriate for your scenario (e.g) regions[header_second] = 'Header Second' or zones[headerXYZ] = 'Header XYZ'
  4. Save your changes
  5. Clear cache
  6. Navigate to your subtheme's Zone & Region Configuration settings
  7. Locate your new zone or region in the "unassigned zones/regions" area at the bottom of the page
  8. Assign as desired

What does Weight & Position do?
* Weight = the position of the region in the markup
* Position = the visual positioning of a region

My content region isn't expanding, please help!

How to override default hover color style from tables?
Apply the below code to your global.css:
tr:hover td, tr.even:hover, tr.odd:hover { background: #FFFEEE; }

How do I add a custom .js file to my Omega subtheme?

Drush FAQ - outdated

NB! This page is no longer maintained. Please read the officially documentation located at

There is a lot of information about drush in various places around and elsewhere; this page is an attempt to pull some of it together.

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