Date Formats and Exposed Filters

Date formatting – the order of day, month, and year – is important to many websites. However, getting date formats working correctly with Views’ exposed filters can take a bit of administrative work.

The following modules should be installed and enabled:

Drupal 7 - How to use Drupal's i18n and Organic Groups modules to create an international website

This documentation section covers how to build an international Drupal site that will cover the required functionality for modifying the site structure, content, and integration with other services in order to have an effective and manageable site. We will also offer some tips on using custom modules to extend i18n and the locale module.

Determining your use case

Before you start building your site, you will first need to determine the overall use case for your site's current needs, and likely needs in the future. For example:

Related modules

This is a list of additional contributed Drupal 7 modules that extend Drupal's multilingual features:


  • Language Assignment: Lets you set the language of multiple nodes or users at a time.
  • Translation Overview: Provides a comprehensive view of your content translation status.
  • Translation table: UI for quick translation of taxonomies and menus.
  • Taxonomy CSV import/export: A UI / drush tool useful for creating multilingual taxonomies.
  • Translation Management Tool: Provides a tool set for translating content from different sources. The translation can be done by people or translation services of all kinds. It builds on and uses existing language tools and data structures in Drupal and can be used in automated workflow scenarios.

User Interface

Modules for localization and internationalization (Drupal 7 and earlier)

Several modules exist that extend the multilingual capabilities of your site. Apart from the modules documented here, you can browse the multilingual section of the modules list to see all projects, sorted by popularity. You may want to additionally filter by version to see, for example, only modules compatible for the latest Drupal version.

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