Installing Apache Solr on Windows 2008 with Jetty Running as a Service

Please note that this article was reproduced with permission from Bill Beckelman's website. The original article can be found here. This guide has been used succesfully with Drupal.

Initial Solr Setup

1. Install the latest Java JDK from
Make sure to select 64bit version if you need it.

Only local images are allowed. title="image" border="0" alt="image" src="/files/solr_windows_installation-1.png"
width="589" height="473">


2. Download Solr 1.4.1 from one of the mirrors at
(at the time of writing, not all mirrors seem to be hosting 1.4.1, but most seem
to have at least 1.4.0)

Only local images are allowed. title="image" border="0" alt="image" src="/files/solr_windows_installation-2.png"
width="566" height="236">

3. Unzip the Solr download. You should have the files listed in the image
below. Open the example folder.

Only local images are allowed.

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