Step 1: Installation

Here you will find out how to install Zentropy to quickly get started creating a beautiful responsive HTML5 theme!

Installing Zentropy is easy!

Method A: Using Drush

If you have Drush installed and configured, it's even easier!


@font-your-face (project page) provides an administrative interface for browsing and applying web fonts from a variety of sources. Web fonts are supported in all widely-used web browsers, even IE 6. Several different organizations host and sell or offer free web fonts, and @font-your-face supports all providers as well as fonts hosted locally in Drupal.

Installing @font-your-face:

  1. Place the entirety of this directory in sites/all/modules/fontyourface
  2. Navigate to admin/modules. Enable @font-your-face and one or more of the submodules (font providers) in the group.
  3. Ensure that @font-your-face UI, Administrative interface for managing fonts, is enabled.
  4. To make @font-your-face configurable by anyone other than UID 1 (adminsitrator), be sure to grant the "administer @font-your-face" permission to the appropriate roles.

Import your fonts:

  1. Go to admin/config/user-interface/fontyourface
  2. For each option, click the "Import" buttons to bring in applicable fonts.

Using @font-your-face:

Quick install for developers (command line)

This page provides a summary of the command line instructions for installing Drupal on a typical UNIX/Linux web server. Every step contains a link to more detailed installation instructions where you also can find information about installing Drupal on other systems.


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