How to improve security on Drupal websites

Hiding Drupal Traits

Some users believe that hiding Drupal traits and characteristics may help prevent automated attacks on Drupal sites. This practice is controversial and has been disputed at Hide, obscure, or remove clues that a site runs on Drupal.

That being said, the following is a list of actions that you may take to attempt to conceal the fact that your site is running on Drupal:

Feed Import 3 Tutorials

This page contains tutorials and examples of how to use Feed Import 3.

External Advanced Tutorials and Videos - MediaFront

External Resources (Off-site from

Note: Travis Tidwell is the module's creator and maintainer.

  • "MediaFront 2.0 Intro" - Video. (2012.04.07 - 36-min. -by Travis Tidwell - YouTube)
  • "Advanced MediaFront 2.0" - 9-Videos. (2012.05.18 - 1-hr. 25-min. -by Travis Tidwell - YouTube).

More theming resources and guides

In this section, you will find links to resources and guides on theming.


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