Omega Theme Documentation Handbook


You are currently viewing the Official Omega theme documentation handbook. The purpose of this handbook is to explain what Omega is, how it works and to outline established best practices for getting started with your own Omega Subtheme. Please start at the beginning as Omega's approach to theming is different than other themes. If you assume too much you may find complications in understanding how to use Omega.

*** The process by which this handbook is made ***

This handbook is a direct result of the Omega Documentation Team's consensus process for building better documentation. The process involves getting connected to the team via IRC and attending scheduled sprints in order to work collectively with the documentation team.

A sprint is an event where the documentation team meets to work simultaneously on a shared document in order to draft, edit and refine portions of text based on a previously agreed upon sprint topic. Each sprint results in a final draft that gets group consensus and is then transferred to the handbook by a designated person.

Adaptivetheme Docs

Adaptivetheme is a powerful theme framework with smoking hot support for mobile first responsive web design.

Adaptivetheme is the perfect start for themers, site builders and anyone wanting to support the mobile web without additional development overhead and cost.

Adaptivtheme works with Drupal, leveraging Drupal's theme API and standard templates and theme functions. This provides a seamless on-ramp for seasoned theme developers and best practice environment for budding themers and Drupal designers.

Use Adaptivetheme either as a base for your own design or to power one of our many free and commercial sub-themes.

Adaptivetheme differentiates from many other starter themes by being lightweight in the code and does not bloat the output with redundant wrappers and classes. Its also very fast and has fantastic support for accessibility - including ARIA roles.

Why Lightweight Code and Web Standards are Important

  • Less code means less bandwidth, both for your server and your end users.
  • Speed - pages load faster - Google now factors page-speed in its ranking!
  • Less code to maintain - sustainable low maintenance code is always preferable.
  • Less HTML is easier to theme - easier to locate CSS bugs, easier to locate style and HTML hooks.


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