Configuring the Search API server (D8)

Create a new Search API server

Go to
○ Click on "add server"
○ Add a name for the server
Add the connection configuration to your Solr server and leave the other defaults

Drupal 8 modules and Solarium installation

These steps are only for Drupal 8.

Download modules using Composer

Better download the modules using Composer than Drush. This will install the required libraries, including the class Solarium. General (deeper) instructions may be found at Using Composer to install Drupal packages through

Run these commands in the Drupal root folder.

Using custom autocomplete scripts

This module offers a way to use a custom script for creating the autocomplete suggestions instead of the built-in menu handler. This allows creating autocomplete suggestions without first bootstrapping Drupal, thus greatly improving performance. Just keep in mind that this will, by necessity, circumvent all access checks for the suggestions, so make sure this won't lead to any security leaks on your site.

How to set up

You need to know:


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