Textile: simple text syntax

The textile module allows users to enter content using Textile, a simple, plain text syntax that is filtered into valid XHTML. Textile enables users to learn to format content quickly without having to worry about more complex syntax of html or xhtml. The filter tips page provides syntax descriptions and examples. Users can use syntax to create:

Taxonomy menu: navigation for terms

Taxonomy terms allow classification of content into categories and subcategories. The Taxonomy Menu module adds links to the navigation menu for taxonomy terms. This is useful when the community is focused on creating content that is organized in a taxonomy.

Creating a Taxonomy Menu

In order to create a taxonomy menu, first create your vocabulary. If you have an existing vocabulary, navigate to the taxonomy administration menu. The path depends on your Drupal version (5, 6, or 7).

Privatemsg: An internal messaging System

The Privatemsg module allows users to send messages to each other without having to share their e-mail addresses. Once the module has been enabled, an inbox link will appear in the navigation menu. "Write to author" links are included in posts, allowing users to write private messages instead of commenting openly. Allowing users to communicate directly with each other is an important part of community building.

Event: set times for content (EoL Drupal 5.x)

Event module is not a currently active project. Last release was for Drupal 5. Discussions are ongoing about taking over the namespace of the module and restarting development at Drupal 8.

File system settings

See the official online handbook for more information about securing private files. The information about private files starts at the "Managing file locations and access" header.

Drupal provides configuration settings to control whether, and how, users and administrators can upload files for use by Drupal.


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