Upgrading Drupal 8.5.0 to Drupal 10.1.2

Hello i want to upgrade Drupal 8.5.0 to Drupal  10.1.2 i know it should be done step by step there is any proper guide which can help me 

i tried followed by many tutorials but nothing works for me 

can anyone provide me a proper documetation for upgrade 

i think if i can disable all addones and themes installed it will help to smooth upgrade 

[solved] How to install a legacy version of the Drupal core?

For testing purposes, I want to install Drupal 8.7.14. However, the instructions provided on the release page, i.e.:

 composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:8.7.14 html

results in this error: "Could not find package drupal/recommended-project with version 8.7.14".

Using this version:

Aalto University

screenshot of aalto.fi site

Aalto.fi is a site and a content hub that serves tens of thousands of Aalto University’s different users on a daily basis. It is not only the most important information source for all of Aalto University’s external audiences, but it also doubles as an intranet for staff. As such, it caters to a very broad audience from prospective students and their parents to media and decision makers, and from Alumni to service staff and faculty.

Read more of the case.



Portside is a digital media outlet that publishes and curates articles and videos of interest to the left. This curation lifts up critical voices in an age of media saturation and facilitates thoughtful, bold dialog online.

We migrated Portside's years of content from their Drupal 7 site to Drupal 8. On the Drupal 8 site we added features that help Portside easily style and format their content, easily include media in their content, manage their publication workflows, and conveniently share their content on social media and listservs.


Front Page "404 Page Not Found"


I have a website "https://www.example.com" which is suddenly showing 404 Page Not Found.

Header Footer is coming but in the body part its showing nothing but appearing a Page Not Found text.

But if I access "https://www.example.com/home" it's working fine.

Even all inner pages are working too except the front page.

I tried changing Default Front Page in Configuration > Basic Site Settings but nothing helped at all.

Job text_spinner

I am using Drupal version 8
you need to do automatic content generation using spin technology, but so that the text is displayed statically and never changes.

Using this module https://www.drupal.org/project/text_spinner as I understand it, the text will change every time the user enters.


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