How to add this Prev/Next article views?

Hi there. I want to add in my site the arrows that displays in this theme:

I tried Flippy module but it only adds the title and link, and I want to display this information in a more elegant way.

Thanks for your time.

uploading PDF files on Drupal 8

I am trying to make a content type where I plan to upload various PDF files about various topics of interest.  People could freely download these pdf files just by clicking on the file name or the PDF image of that file once they are on the node page in question.  Could anyone please guide me on which path to take to make that  kind of content type?

Thanks and regards

Check for duplicate nodes of given title


Before saving a node with a title, I want to check if the node with given title and language already exists or not. I have seen examples with hook_form_alter(), but I am not following much. And obviously not working. This is what my code looks like:

Collapsible menu

I have created a menu on Drupal 8 and I want it to display like a collapsible menu. There should be an icon in front of parent links. A click on the icon should open the children's elements, and when it is clicked again, it should close them. However, with the normal meu module, everything is expanded, and I do not know how to make it collapsible. I have tried using jsTree menu as well but I have not been successful either. I wanted to know if there is a module that can do this? Please do note that I am not using Taxonomy to make this menu. Thanks in advance.

Revised: How to add a few blank pixels between two columns in frontpage

In my bartik two columns frontpage, teaser text from each column A post "glues" to the next post's pic (the one in column B). And this is aesthetically unacceptable. 

One way to resolve that, would be to add a tiny (a few pixels wide) white border in each pic, but then the pic moves to the right and I don't like that either.

I believe the right thing to do is create a "corridor" of a few pixels width between the two columns: a space where no letter can go.


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